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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Tras el paso de un alumno por una unidad asistencial, la forma de valorar si ha adquirido los conocimientos y las competencias esperadas es mediante la
presentación de un Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE) en algunos casos.
Dicho proceso es mi material de estudio. He reunido y analizado desde un punto
de vista analítico y crítico Procesos de Atención de Enfermería de los últimos 14
años de alumnos que han pasado por el servicio de Hemodiálisis para comprobar si
tanto los alumnos de la Diplomatura como los de Grado han adquirido las
competencias esperadas de esta unidad, englobando tanto competencias generales
como específicas y propias de la universidad. Realizando este análisis he obtenido
resultados muy estandarizados que académicamente están correctos pero que se
alejan bastante de las necesidades de los pacientes de esta unidad debido a la
complejidad y especificidad de los mismos.
[EN]After the passage of a student by an assistance unit, how to assess whether it has acquired the knowledge and skills is expected by presenting a process of nursing care (PAE) in some cases. This process is my study material. I have collected and analyzed from an analytical point of view and critical processes nursing care of the last 14 years students have gone through the Hemodialysis service to check both students of the Diploma as grade have acquired the expected competences this unit, encompassing both general and specific skills and characteristics of the university. Performing this analysis I have obtained very standardized results that are academically correct but that enough away from the needs of patients in this unit due to the complexity and specificity of these.
[EN]After the passage of a student by an assistance unit, how to assess whether it has acquired the knowledge and skills is expected by presenting a process of nursing care (PAE) in some cases. This process is my study material. I have collected and analyzed from an analytical point of view and critical processes nursing care of the last 14 years students have gone through the Hemodialysis service to check both students of the Diploma as grade have acquired the expected competences this unit, encompassing both general and specific skills and characteristics of the university. Performing this analysis I have obtained very standardized results that are academically correct but that enough away from the needs of patients in this unit due to the complexity and specificity of these.