El Conocimiento sobre la Enfermedad del Alzheimer en personas Cuidadoras familiares. Revisión de la literatura.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El incremento en la esperanza de vida ha dado lugar a un crecimiento de la población longeva. Esto conlleva a un
aumento de enfermedades como la demencia, siendo la más común el Alzheimer. El alzheimer provoca
dependencia en las personas que las padece siendo cuidadas por un cuidador familiar que puede no estar
capacitado ni tenga el suficiente conocimiento para ello. El objetivo de éste trabajo consiste en identificar el nivel
de conocimiento que tienen los cuidadores familiares de personas con Alzheimer. Para la realización del trabajo se
llevó a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica siendo seleccionados 10 estudios. Los resultados obtenidos han sido
homogéneos, la mayoría de los estudios muestran desconocimientos en distintos aspectos de la enfermedad y su
Las principales conclusiones han sido: Escasez de conocimiento en general. Algunas de las áreas más deficitarias
son la evolución, tratamiento, cuidados y factores de riesgo. Los cuestionarios o escalas recogen mayor
información sobre el nivel de conocimiento.
[EN] The increase in life expectancy has led to a long-lived population growth. This leads to an increase in diseases such as dementia, the most common being Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's causes dependence on the people who suffer from them being cared for by a family caregiver who may not be trained or have suffícient knowledge to do so. The aim of this study is to identify the level of knowledge of family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease. For the accomplishment of the work a bibliographical search was carried out being selected 10 studies. The results obtained were homogeneous, most of the studies show lack of knowledge about different aspects of the disease and its care. The main conclusions have been: Shortages of knowledge in general. Some of the most deficient areas are the evolution, treatment, care and risk factors. The questionnaires or scales collect more information on the level of knowledge.
[EN] The increase in life expectancy has led to a long-lived population growth. This leads to an increase in diseases such as dementia, the most common being Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's causes dependence on the people who suffer from them being cared for by a family caregiver who may not be trained or have suffícient knowledge to do so. The aim of this study is to identify the level of knowledge of family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease. For the accomplishment of the work a bibliographical search was carried out being selected 10 studies. The results obtained were homogeneous, most of the studies show lack of knowledge about different aspects of the disease and its care. The main conclusions have been: Shortages of knowledge in general. Some of the most deficient areas are the evolution, treatment, care and risk factors. The questionnaires or scales collect more information on the level of knowledge.
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