Automedicación y Abuso de fármacos en la Tercera edad a propósito de un caso clínico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Los ancianos son el grupo de población que más medicamentos consume y los más susceptibles a reacciones adversas por
medicamentos. Existen evidencias de que esta mayor susceptibilidad no es debida al envejecimiento y a los cambios acompañantes
en la farmacodinamia y farmacocinética, sino a las enfermedades y la polifarmacia que a menudo presentan los ancianos”. La
polifarmacia, forma parte hoy en día de nuestra vida cotidiana a veces innecesaria y otras justificada. En muchos casos, es a menudo
desproporcionada para los problemas crónicos, a pesar de que puede ocasionar deterioro importante de la salud de los ancianos.
Además de relacionarse con un aumento exponencial de la incidencia de efectos adversos, predispone al incumplimiento terapéutico
y nuevos diagnósticos complicados y el inicio de nuevos tratamientos médicos .La prescripción de los regímenes de tratamiento complejos y difíciles es una de las posibles causas de la polifarmacia . Sin embargo, de acuerdo con lala información que tenemos , no hay formas estandarizadas para evaluar su complejidad.
[EN]That part of the population who do take more medication is old people, and they are also the more susceptible to suffer their side effects. There is evidence that this bigger susceptibility is caused neither by ageing nor by the accompanying changesin pharmacodynamic and in pharmacokinetics, but by the diseases and polypharmacy usually associated to old people”. Sometimes unnecessary, sometimes justified, polypharmacy part of our daily life. In many cases, its use is out of proportion as far as chronic problems are concerned, and it can damage the elderly´s health. Apart from increasing the impact of side effects exponentially, polypharmacy influences therapeutic unfulfilment and complicates new diagnoses and the beginning of new medical treatments. Prescribing complex and difficult therapeutic regimens is one of the potential causes of polypharmacy. However, according to the information we have, there are not standardized ways to evaluate the complexity.
[EN]That part of the population who do take more medication is old people, and they are also the more susceptible to suffer their side effects. There is evidence that this bigger susceptibility is caused neither by ageing nor by the accompanying changesin pharmacodynamic and in pharmacokinetics, but by the diseases and polypharmacy usually associated to old people”. Sometimes unnecessary, sometimes justified, polypharmacy part of our daily life. In many cases, its use is out of proportion as far as chronic problems are concerned, and it can damage the elderly´s health. Apart from increasing the impact of side effects exponentially, polypharmacy influences therapeutic unfulfilment and complicates new diagnoses and the beginning of new medical treatments. Prescribing complex and difficult therapeutic regimens is one of the potential causes of polypharmacy. However, according to the information we have, there are not standardized ways to evaluate the complexity.