Posibles factores determinantes del riesgo en el uso excesivo del móvil en adolescentes: revisión sistemática
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Objetivo. Hemos estudiado cuáles son los factores determinantes del riesgo para el uso excesivo del móvil en los adolescentes. Metodología. Hemos llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática en base a 31 estudios originales. El análisis se llevó a cabo mediante conteo de votos y el test del signo. Resultados. Dentro de los marcadores de riesgo, la mujer se manifiesta como posible marcador de riesgo. La otra variable es la edad, donde no quedan claros los resultados. Por otra parte, en los factores de riesgo, elaboramos distintas categorías: ámbito escolar, ámbito familiar, relación con otras adicciones, aspectos emocionales, estilos de vida y los distintos usos del móvil. Esta parte está basada en el gran número de variables estudiadas por un escaso número de estudios. Conclusión. La única variable en la que se puede hablar de posible factor determinante es el género. Se hace necesaria más investigación que justifique los resultados aquí obtenidos
[EN] Aim. We have studied which are the determinant risk factors for the excessive usage of the smartphone in the adolescents. Design. A systematic review was carried out based in 31 original studies. Studies were analyzed by the sign test when it was necessary. Results. On the one hand, in risk markers, the woman is who is said to be a possible risk marker in our health problem. The other variable is age, whose results are unclear. On the other hand, in risk factors, we have created several categories: scholar field, familiar field, relation with other addictions, emotional aspects, lifestyles and the different uses to smartphones. This part is based in the huge number of studied variables by a few number of studies. Conclusions. The only variable which can be spoken about possible determinant factor is gender. It is needed a greater research that justify the obtained results.
[EN] Aim. We have studied which are the determinant risk factors for the excessive usage of the smartphone in the adolescents. Design. A systematic review was carried out based in 31 original studies. Studies were analyzed by the sign test when it was necessary. Results. On the one hand, in risk markers, the woman is who is said to be a possible risk marker in our health problem. The other variable is age, whose results are unclear. On the other hand, in risk factors, we have created several categories: scholar field, familiar field, relation with other addictions, emotional aspects, lifestyles and the different uses to smartphones. This part is based in the huge number of studied variables by a few number of studies. Conclusions. The only variable which can be spoken about possible determinant factor is gender. It is needed a greater research that justify the obtained results.