Atención enfermera en Enfermedades Inflamatorias Intestinales
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La enfermedad de Crohn (EC) y la Colitis Ulcerosa (CU), conocidas como enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales (EII), son una de las enfermedades que predominan en el siglo XX. Es importante hacer una revisión sobre la enfermedad en conjunto, así como diferenciar las dos enfermedades principales EC y CU. La enfermería tiene un papel muy importante en las EII. El personal de enfermería tiene un amplio abanico de actuación en el que las funciones principales que se pueden destacar son promoción de la salud, mejora de la calidad asistencial hacia el paciente y su familia, afrontamiento de una nueva situación y diagnóstico, promover una actitud proactiva del paciente en el cuidado de su enfermedad. En definitiva conocer más la enfermedad y la implicación que tiene enfermería siendo más amplia de lo que parece.
[EN]Crohn’s disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) , known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) , are one of the diseases prevalent in the twentieth century. It is important to do a review on the disease as a whole, as well as differentiate the two main diseases CD and UC. Nursing has a very important role in IBD. The nursing staff has a wide range of performance in which the main functions that can be highlighted are promoting health , improving the quality of care to the patient and his family, coping with a new situation and diagnosis, promote proactive the patient in the care of their disease. Ultimately learn more about the disease and nursing implication of being broader than it seems.
[EN]Crohn’s disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) , known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) , are one of the diseases prevalent in the twentieth century. It is important to do a review on the disease as a whole, as well as differentiate the two main diseases CD and UC. Nursing has a very important role in IBD. The nursing staff has a wide range of performance in which the main functions that can be highlighted are promoting health , improving the quality of care to the patient and his family, coping with a new situation and diagnosis, promote proactive the patient in the care of their disease. Ultimately learn more about the disease and nursing implication of being broader than it seems.