Revisión bibliografica sobre la promocion de la salud y prevencion del alcoholismo en adolescentes y jovenes
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Esta revisión pretende indagar acerca de la actualidad del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes y jóvenes hasta 25 años.
Es una revisión bibliográfica en la que en primer lugar se conoce la situación epidemiológica en el mundo, España y Andalucía para poder realizar una comparación entre ellos.
Posteriormente se exponen los principales cambios psicológicos y fisiológicos relevantes que acontecen en la pubertad; así como los condicionantes que llevan a los adolescentes al consumo de alcohol; también se trata la prevención del consumo de alcohol en el periodo académico y la promoción de la salud fuera de este ámbito, todo ello desde un punto de vista enfermero.
El principal objetivo que nos hemos propuesto es conocer la situación del consumo de alcohol entre jóvenes de 12 a 25 años de edad, sus repercusiones y formas de prevenirlo y promocionar su consumo con moderación desde un punto de vista enfermero.
La metodología empleada ha sido principalmente la revisión bibliográfica usando bases de datos como pubmed, crochane, drogomedia…Para obtener la máxima información he contactado con algunas asociaciones de autoayuda (Centro Comarcal de Drogodependencias de Linares, alcohólicos anónimos, Asociación libre de adicciones Cástulo de Linares (ALAC)…) que trabajan en la prevención y tratamiento del consumo excesivo de alcohol.
Por último me he entrevistado con Doña Eva Carranza, psicóloga y técnica de promoción de la salud del Área de gestión de salud norte de Jaén y con Don Alfonso Gil médico del Centro Comarcal de Drogodependencias de Linares, los cuales me han aportado documentación para la realización de esta revisión bibliográfica.
Las palabras claves empleadas son: Alcohol, adolescencia, pubertad, binge drinking (atracón de alcohol o borrachera), alcoholismo, adolescentes, adolescente, jóvenes, enfermera, psicología, actuación, solución, prevención, epidemiología y Andalucía.
Resultados y conclusiones: Se ha observado un incremento en el binge drinking (atracón de alcohol o borrachera) en los últimos años, cada vez hay más enfermedades relacionadas con el alcohol en jóvenes y la edad de inicio al consumo es cada vez más precoz.
La prevención del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes se realiza a través de sesiones educativas en centros académicos, principalmente; y también se propone realizar promoción para la salud, de forma individual y con la familia, y reuniones en las que acudan varios usuarios, todo ello en el ámbito de la Atención Primaria.
[EN]What I intend to do with this bibliographic review is to look into the drinking habits of those youngsters who are under 25. First, the epidemiological situation in the World, Spain and Andalusia is highlighted in order to make a comparison among them. Then, from a nurse's point of view, the main psychological and physiological changes that take place in puberty are explained; the reasons why teenagers consume alcoholic drinks are included; and how to prevent alcoholism from the school and high school. The main objective we have set out is to know the situation of alcohol consumption among young people between 12 and 25 years of age, its repercussions and ways of preventing it and promoting its consumption with moderation from a nursing point of view. In the development of this bibliographic review I have made use of data bases such as pubmed, crochane and drogomedia. With the aim of obtaining a greater amont of information, I also have contacted associations which work to prevent and treat the excess of drug and alcohol intake(Centro Comarcal de Drogodependencias de Linares, alcohólicos anónimos, ALAC…). In addition, Ms Eva Carranza and Mr. Alfonso Gil have been interviewed. The former is a psychologist and a tecnician at the hospital in Jaén; the latter is a doctor at the center for drugaddicted in Linares. The key words are: alcohol, adolescent, puberty, bingedrinking, alcoholismo, teenagers, teenager, youngsters, nurse, psychology, solution, epidemiology, Andalusia. Results and conclusions: it has been observed that bingedrinking has increased lately. Currently, it is quite common to find youngsters who suffer from illnesses that are related to the excessive intake of alcohol. Indeed, they tend to develop drinking habits at earlier ages. In order to prevent that teenagers start drinking alcohol at early ages, sessions are carried out in academic centers. Attention can be received individually, accompanied by the family or in groups.
[EN]What I intend to do with this bibliographic review is to look into the drinking habits of those youngsters who are under 25. First, the epidemiological situation in the World, Spain and Andalusia is highlighted in order to make a comparison among them. Then, from a nurse's point of view, the main psychological and physiological changes that take place in puberty are explained; the reasons why teenagers consume alcoholic drinks are included; and how to prevent alcoholism from the school and high school. The main objective we have set out is to know the situation of alcohol consumption among young people between 12 and 25 years of age, its repercussions and ways of preventing it and promoting its consumption with moderation from a nursing point of view. In the development of this bibliographic review I have made use of data bases such as pubmed, crochane and drogomedia. With the aim of obtaining a greater amont of information, I also have contacted associations which work to prevent and treat the excess of drug and alcohol intake(Centro Comarcal de Drogodependencias de Linares, alcohólicos anónimos, ALAC…). In addition, Ms Eva Carranza and Mr. Alfonso Gil have been interviewed. The former is a psychologist and a tecnician at the hospital in Jaén; the latter is a doctor at the center for drugaddicted in Linares. The key words are: alcohol, adolescent, puberty, bingedrinking, alcoholismo, teenagers, teenager, youngsters, nurse, psychology, solution, epidemiology, Andalusia. Results and conclusions: it has been observed that bingedrinking has increased lately. Currently, it is quite common to find youngsters who suffer from illnesses that are related to the excessive intake of alcohol. Indeed, they tend to develop drinking habits at earlier ages. In order to prevent that teenagers start drinking alcohol at early ages, sessions are carried out in academic centers. Attention can be received individually, accompanied by the family or in groups.