Plan de cuidados de enfermería en paciente tras un IAM. A propósito de un caso clínico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) están aumentando a medida que se ponen de manifiesto dos hechos presentes: el aumento progresivo del envejecimiento de la población y su consecuente aumento de la esperanza de vida junto con la coexistencia de los factores de riesgo. Éstas constituyen la primera causa de muerte a nivel mundial, siendo la cardiopatía isquémica la que encabeza la lista entre los distintos tipos de dichas enfermedades. España se considera uno de los países con menor riesgo cardiovascular pero aun así las enfermedades cardiovasculares ocasionan una importante mortalidad, morbilidad, discapacidad y repercusión socioeconómica. Asimismo, las ECV son responsables del 23% de los Años de Vida Perdidos Ajustados por Discapacidad en Europa, provocando el 17% de las bajas laborales en España. Entre los principales factores de riesgo de las ECV se encuentran el tabaquismo, la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes mellitus, hipercolesterolemia, obesidad, estilo de vida sedentario, dieta no saludable y el estrés. Se expone el caso clínico de un varón de 58 años que ha sufrido un Infarto Agudo de Miocardio y acude a la consulta de enfermería demandando ayuda. Realizamos la valoración desde la consulta de enfermería y se identificaron los diagnósticos principales, entre ellos el Deterioro del patrón del sueño que influía en muchos aspectos de la vida de José. Planificamos junto a él y, en ocasiones, su esposa ocho citas donde desarrolláramos el plan de cuidaos personalizado mediante contacto directo con el paciente, enseñándole en cada una nuevos temas a abordar pero siempre reforzando lo aprendido en la cita anterior. Se desarrollaron una serie de intervenciones enfermeras con sus actividades para lograr los objetivos propuestos. Por último se realizó una evaluación completa para valorar la nueva situación de José.
[EN] Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are increasing as two presents facts are revealed: the progressive increase of the aging of population and its consequent increase of life expectancy together with the coexistence of the risk factors. These diseases constitute the first cause of death worldwide, being the ischemic cardiopathy the one who heads the list among the different types of these diseases. Spain is considered one of the countries with the lower cardiovascular risk, even so, cardiovascular diseases cause an important rate of mortality, morbidity, disability and socio-economic impact. Likewise, CVD are responsible of the 23% lost years of life adjusted by disability in Europe, causing 17% of the off work in Spain. The main CVD risk factors are: smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet and stress. We can focus on a case of a 58 years old man who has suffered a Severe Myocardium Infarct, he came to the nursing consultation looking for help. We made the valuation from the nursing consultation room and we identified the main diagnoses, including The Deterioration of the Dream that influenced many aspects of the life of José. We planned with him and, sometimes, also with his wife, eight meetings where we developed a personalized care plan by direct contact with the patient, teaching him new topics to tackle in each meeting but always reinforcing what has been learnt in the previous appointment. A series of nursing intervention were made with their activities to achieve the expected goals. Finally, we made a complete evaluation to value the new health situation of José.
[EN] Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are increasing as two presents facts are revealed: the progressive increase of the aging of population and its consequent increase of life expectancy together with the coexistence of the risk factors. These diseases constitute the first cause of death worldwide, being the ischemic cardiopathy the one who heads the list among the different types of these diseases. Spain is considered one of the countries with the lower cardiovascular risk, even so, cardiovascular diseases cause an important rate of mortality, morbidity, disability and socio-economic impact. Likewise, CVD are responsible of the 23% lost years of life adjusted by disability in Europe, causing 17% of the off work in Spain. The main CVD risk factors are: smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet and stress. We can focus on a case of a 58 years old man who has suffered a Severe Myocardium Infarct, he came to the nursing consultation looking for help. We made the valuation from the nursing consultation room and we identified the main diagnoses, including The Deterioration of the Dream that influenced many aspects of the life of José. We planned with him and, sometimes, also with his wife, eight meetings where we developed a personalized care plan by direct contact with the patient, teaching him new topics to tackle in each meeting but always reinforcing what has been learnt in the previous appointment. A series of nursing intervention were made with their activities to achieve the expected goals. Finally, we made a complete evaluation to value the new health situation of José.