Prejuicios y racismo en la atención de Enfermería a población inmigrante en España
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La sociedad española actual es muy diferente a la de hace unas décadas. La llegada
de inmigrantes en los últimos años ha cambiado el perfil de los y las pacientes, originando
sentimientos de frustración y desidia en el colectivo enfermero. Este trabajo pretende
profundizar en los prejuicios y el racismo en la atención enfermera hacia la población
inmigrante, analizando los estudios que se hayan realizado hasta la fecha. Metodología: Se ha
realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en las siguientes bases de datos: CUIDEN PLUS,
PubMed, Cochrane, MedlinePlus, SCOPUS, ISI WOS, Google Scholar y DIALNET; con los
siguientes descriptores: racismo, prejuicio, discriminación, vulnerabilidad, enfermería,
atención enfermera, inmigrante, migración, con sus correspondientes truncamientos y
traducciones. Conclusiones: Muchos autores afirman que es un tema de gran interés, pero la
bibliografía sigue siendo escasa, a pesar de que la Enfermería cuenta con modelos teóricos,
así como con escalas e instrumentos de evaluación validados.
[EN] Abstract: Current Spanish society is very different from the Spanish society of some decades ago. The arrival of immigrants has changed the profile of patients, causing frustration and apathy in nurses. This final-year research project aims to deepen prejudices and racism in nursing care towards immigrants, considering the studies that have been conducted until now. Methodology: I performed a literature research in the following databases: CUIDEN PLUS, PubMed, Cochrane, MedlinePlus, Scopus, ISI WOS, Google Scholar and DIALNET; with the following descriptors: racism, prejudice, discrimination, vulnerability, nursing, nurse care, immigration, migration, along with their corresponding truncations and translations. Conclusions: Many authors state that this is an issue of great interest; however, the literature today remains low, despite having theoretical models, as well as validated assessment scales and instruments.
[EN] Abstract: Current Spanish society is very different from the Spanish society of some decades ago. The arrival of immigrants has changed the profile of patients, causing frustration and apathy in nurses. This final-year research project aims to deepen prejudices and racism in nursing care towards immigrants, considering the studies that have been conducted until now. Methodology: I performed a literature research in the following databases: CUIDEN PLUS, PubMed, Cochrane, MedlinePlus, Scopus, ISI WOS, Google Scholar and DIALNET; with the following descriptors: racism, prejudice, discrimination, vulnerability, nursing, nurse care, immigration, migration, along with their corresponding truncations and translations. Conclusions: Many authors state that this is an issue of great interest; however, the literature today remains low, despite having theoretical models, as well as validated assessment scales and instruments.