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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Este trabajo tiene como objetivo, dar a conocer la experiencia turística ofrecida por el
municipio de Padul a todos aquellos que quieran descubrirlo. Muestra un recorrido
detallado por la geografía y los recursos que caracterizan a este territorio. Dicho trabajo
ha requerido la investigación sobre el turismo como instrumento de desarrollo,
enfocándolo desde una perspectiva sostenible y el análisis en cascada de los diferentes
organismos con competencias en materia de turismo, desde los más globales hasta los
más concretos. Se realiza un repaso general sobre las distintas instituciones, partiendo
desde el ámbito internacional hasta llegar al local. Este documento se acerca a la
situación en la que se encuentra España actualmente con respecto al turismo, a la vez
que tiene en cuenta los datos ofrecidos por informes oficiales sobre el estado de la
actividad turística en general. Por lo tanto, este ejercicio facilita al lector la adquisición
del concepto de turismo sostenible, contextualizándolo en un lugar concreto.
Palabras clave:
Turismo sostenible, experiencia turística, análisis en cascada, instrumento de desarrollo,
[EN]This work aims to publicise the tourist experience offered by the municipality of Padul to all those who want to discover it. It shows a detailed tour through the geography and the resources that characterise this territory. This work has required research on tourism as a development tool, focusing on a sustainable perspective and the cascade analysis of different agencies with competencies in tourism, from the most global to the most concrete. A general review is carried out on the different institutions, starting from the international scope until arriving at the place. This document is close to the situation in which Spain is currently in relation to tourism, while taking into account the data provided by official reports on the state of tourism in general. Therefore, this exercise facilitates the reader's acquisition of the concept of sustainable tourism, contextualise it in a specific place. Key words: Sustainable tourism, tourism experience, cascade analysis, development tool, research.
[EN]This work aims to publicise the tourist experience offered by the municipality of Padul to all those who want to discover it. It shows a detailed tour through the geography and the resources that characterise this territory. This work has required research on tourism as a development tool, focusing on a sustainable perspective and the cascade analysis of different agencies with competencies in tourism, from the most global to the most concrete. A general review is carried out on the different institutions, starting from the international scope until arriving at the place. This document is close to the situation in which Spain is currently in relation to tourism, while taking into account the data provided by official reports on the state of tourism in general. Therefore, this exercise facilitates the reader's acquisition of the concept of sustainable tourism, contextualise it in a specific place. Key words: Sustainable tourism, tourism experience, cascade analysis, development tool, research.