Programa de educación para la salud dirigido a la prevención de la mastitis durante la lactancia para embarazadas del Centro de Salud de Torreperogil.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Actualmente, la lactancia materna se ha consolidado como muy beneficiosa. Sin embargo, existen
multitud de factores que impiden su desarrollo con la total normalidad. La mastitis puerperal es uno
de ellos estando presente en casi el 33% de las mujeres que amamantan en todo el mundo. Se
considera como la primera causa de abandono prematuro y no deseado de la lactancia materna.
Existen multitud de factores de riesgo implicados en la aparición de la mastitis lactacional siendo la
principal causa de ésta la estasis de la leche provocada principalmente por el mal agarre del bebé al
pecho de la madre. Además, la mastitis puerperal genera en la mujer estados de miedo y ansiedad, así
como complicaciones importantes. Las mujeres tienen que aprender a amamantar y a destetar y es
por ello que resulta imprescindible llevar a cabo intervenciones educativas que logren reducir y
prevenir la aparición de tal afección.
[EN] Nowadays, the mother lactation is consolidated very beneficial. Nevertheless, there is a multitude of factors which prevent it performs with total normality. The puerperal mastitis is one of them and it is present in almost 33% of the women breastfeeding around the world. It is regarded as the first cause of premature and undesired abandon of the mother lactation. There is a multitude of factors of risk implied in the appearance of the lactational mastitis. The first reason for this is milk stasis caused principally by non-latching baby to the mother's breast. In addition, the puerperal mastitis generates on women states of fear and anxiety, as well as important complications. Women have to learn to breastfeed and to wean. For this reason, it is essential to carry out educational interventions which achieve reducing and preventing the appearance of such affection.
[EN] Nowadays, the mother lactation is consolidated very beneficial. Nevertheless, there is a multitude of factors which prevent it performs with total normality. The puerperal mastitis is one of them and it is present in almost 33% of the women breastfeeding around the world. It is regarded as the first cause of premature and undesired abandon of the mother lactation. There is a multitude of factors of risk implied in the appearance of the lactational mastitis. The first reason for this is milk stasis caused principally by non-latching baby to the mother's breast. In addition, the puerperal mastitis generates on women states of fear and anxiety, as well as important complications. Women have to learn to breastfeed and to wean. For this reason, it is essential to carry out educational interventions which achieve reducing and preventing the appearance of such affection.