Efectividad del tratamiento neuromuscular y propioceptivo en el Ligamento cruzado anterior
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Se ha propuesto revisar la efectividad del tratamiento neuromuscular y propioceptivo ante la recuperación de la lesión
del Ligamento cruzado anterior tras una intervención quirúrgica y los métodos preventivos para evitar la lesión. Hay
una evidencia moderada que apoya dicho tratamiento, reduciendo el número de lesiones y los periodos postquirúrgico.
Sin embargo sigue siendo necesario más estudios para determinar sus efectos y mejoras claramente.
[EN] It is proposed to review the effectiveness of proprioceptive neuromuscular and treatment to the recovery from injury of the anterior cruciate ligament after surgery and preventive methods to avoid injury. There is moderate evidence supporting such treatment , reducing the number of injuries and postoperative periods. However still need further studies to determine its effects and improvements clearly.
[EN] It is proposed to review the effectiveness of proprioceptive neuromuscular and treatment to the recovery from injury of the anterior cruciate ligament after surgery and preventive methods to avoid injury. There is moderate evidence supporting such treatment , reducing the number of injuries and postoperative periods. However still need further studies to determine its effects and improvements clearly.