Proyecto de línea aérea de media tensión en doble circuito y centro de transformación de interior para almazara situada en el término municipal de Jabalquinto
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[es] En este proyecto se ha realizado una línea de media tensión en doble circuito de unos 3km para alimentar una almazara provista de un centro de transformación de 400 kVA. La almazara está situada en las afueras del municipio de Jabalquinto, en una zona de olivar.
Para el cálculo de estos se ha empleado el software Dmelect. La línea tiene 4 cruzamientos con carreteras no estatales y vías secundarias; y dos giros en su recorrido. El centro de transformación será uno prefabricado de abonado con medida en alta tensión.
[en] In this project, a double-circuit medium-voltage line of about 3 km has been built to feed an oil mill equipped with a 400 kVA transformation center. The mill is located on the outskirts of the municipality of Jabalquinto, in an olive grove area. For the calculation of these, the Dmelect software has been used. The line has 4 junctions with non-state highways and secondary roads; and two turns on its way. The transformation center will be a prefabricated subscriber center with high voltaje measurement.
[en] In this project, a double-circuit medium-voltage line of about 3 km has been built to feed an oil mill equipped with a 400 kVA transformation center. The mill is located on the outskirts of the municipality of Jabalquinto, in an olive grove area. For the calculation of these, the Dmelect software has been used. The line has 4 junctions with non-state highways and secondary roads; and two turns on its way. The transformation center will be a prefabricated subscriber center with high voltaje measurement.