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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Hoy en día la dación en pago es uno de los temas con mayor repercusión en la actualidad económica, jurídica y legislativa. La finalidad de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado no es otra que analizar el origen y los aspectos fundamentales deesta figura jurídica tomando como base legislación, doctrina y jurisprudencia. Por último se ha querido plasmar las conclusiones a las que se ha llegado una vez realizado este trabajo
[EN] Nowadays the dation in payment is one of the issues with greater impact nowadays economic, legal, and legislative. The aim of Final Degree Project is not another that analyze the origin and the fundamental aspects of this legal on the basis of legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence. Finally they wanted to translate the conclusions which have been reached after completion of this work.
[EN] Nowadays the dation in payment is one of the issues with greater impact nowadays economic, legal, and legislative. The aim of Final Degree Project is not another that analyze the origin and the fundamental aspects of this legal on the basis of legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence. Finally they wanted to translate the conclusions which have been reached after completion of this work.