Cuidados perioperatorios en el paciente geriátrico. A propósito de un caso
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los/as ancianos/as son un grupo muy heterogéneo, con necesidades específicas y respuestas diversas, en el que la
cirugía les afecta de forma diferente respecto a la población joven. Los cambios fisiológicos, las enfermedades
coadyuvantes y la pérdida de reserva fisiológica son factores de riesgo que intervienen en la recuperación tras la
cirugía. Por eso, el objetivo de este estudio es conocer cómo afecta la cirugía a este grupo de edad avanzada y cómo
influyen las distintas fases del proceso quirúrgico en su recuperación. Para ello, se presenta un caso clínico real de un
paciente geriátrico no terminal en edad comprendida entre 65 y 75 años sometido a una cirugía colorectal. Para la
elaboración del plan de cuidados, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las diferentes bases de datos nacionales e
internacionales de Medicina y Enfermería. Fue diseñado siguiendo el modelo de cuidados de Virginia Henderson
utilizando las taxonomías NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association), NIC (Nursing Interventions
Classification) y NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification). Como conclusión, se podría decir que la población mayor de
65 años tiene más riesgo de sufrir complicaciones postoperatorias que los pacientes más jóvenes. El nivel de
dependencia funcional baja considerablemente al alta y se retrasa la recuperación. Por ello, es muy importante el
papel del enfermero/a en las tres fases del perioperatorio, ya que de un cuidado especial, individualizado y basado
en la evidencia, depende la mejoría y recuperación del paciente geriátrico.
[EN] Geriatric patients are a very heterogeneous group, with specific needs and different responses, where surgery affects them differently from younger people. Physiological changes, diseases and loss of physiologic reserve are risk factors involved in recovery after surgery. Thats why the aim of this study is to know how surgery affects the older age group and how the differents surgical stages affects the elderly recovery. To do this, a real case of a non-terminal geriatric patient between 65 and 75 years undergoing elective colorectal surgery is performed. For the preparation of the care plan, a literature search was carry-out in different national and international databases. It was designed according to the model of Virginia Henderson care and using NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association), NIC (Nursing Interventions Classification) and NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification) taxonomies. In conclusión, it could be say that the elderly have more risk to suffer from postoperative complications than younger patients. The level of functional dependence drops considerably at discharge and the recovery is delayed. For that reason, it is very important the role of the nurse in the three perioperative phases because of an special, individualized and evidence-based care depends the geriatric patient recovery.
[EN] Geriatric patients are a very heterogeneous group, with specific needs and different responses, where surgery affects them differently from younger people. Physiological changes, diseases and loss of physiologic reserve are risk factors involved in recovery after surgery. Thats why the aim of this study is to know how surgery affects the older age group and how the differents surgical stages affects the elderly recovery. To do this, a real case of a non-terminal geriatric patient between 65 and 75 years undergoing elective colorectal surgery is performed. For the preparation of the care plan, a literature search was carry-out in different national and international databases. It was designed according to the model of Virginia Henderson care and using NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association), NIC (Nursing Interventions Classification) and NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification) taxonomies. In conclusión, it could be say that the elderly have more risk to suffer from postoperative complications than younger patients. The level of functional dependence drops considerably at discharge and the recovery is delayed. For that reason, it is very important the role of the nurse in the three perioperative phases because of an special, individualized and evidence-based care depends the geriatric patient recovery.