Efectividad de la terapia física en pacientes intervenidos de reconstrucción de ligamento cruzado anterior. Revisión sistemática.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Objetivo: Identificar, evaluar de forma crítica y reunir las principales evidencias disponibles en la actualidad sobre la efectividad de la terapia física en pacientes intervenidos de reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior.
Método: Se realizo una búsqueda de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados en la bases de datos de Pubmed, PEDro y Web of Science con las palabras clave "Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction", "Surgery" and "Physical Therapy". Los estudios que se seleccionaron son los publicados en los últimos 5 años. Para evaluar la calidad de los estudios se empleo la escala de PEDro.
Resultados: Tras la revisión y localización de 1164 artículos, finalmente se analizaron 5 atendiendo a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Estos estudios fueron clasificados en 5 grupos, según el tipo de técnica utilizada, hallándose como procedimientos utilizados: ejercicios con nintendo Wii, ejercicios en cadena cinética abierta o cadena cinética cerrada, programas de ejercicio físico, ejercicios de resistencia alta o baja intensidad, realizar un protocolo de rehabilitación supervisado por un fisioterapeuta o no.
Conclusiones: Esta revisión sistemática encontró evidencia limitada sobre la efectividad de los ejercicios con nintendo Wii, ejercicios en cadena cinética abierta o cadena cinética cerrada, programas de ejercicio físico, ejercicios de resistencia alta o baja intensidad, realizar un protocolo de rehabilitación supervisado por un fisioterapeuta o no.
[EN] Objective: To identify and assemble the main available evidences nowadays about the effectiveness of physical therapy in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Materials and methods: A search of randomized trials in the databases Pubmed, PEDro and Web of Science with the keywords "Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction ", "Surgery" and "Physical Therapy". Studies that were selected are published in the last 5 years. To assess the quality of studies PEDro scale was employed. Results: Following the 1164 review and position articles, five were finally analyzed according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. These studies were classified into 5 groups according to the type of technique used, being used as methods: nintendo Wii exercises, open kinetic chains or close kinetic exercises, physical exercise programs, high-intensity resistance or low-intensity resistance exercises, rehabilitation protocol supervised by a physiotherapist or not supervised. Conclusions: This systematic review found limited evidence of the effectiveness of the nintendo Wii exercises, open kinetic chains or close kinetic exercises, physical exercise programs, high-intensity resistance or low-intensity resistance exercises, rehabilitation protocol supervised by a physiotherapist or not supervised.
[EN] Objective: To identify and assemble the main available evidences nowadays about the effectiveness of physical therapy in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Materials and methods: A search of randomized trials in the databases Pubmed, PEDro and Web of Science with the keywords "Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction ", "Surgery" and "Physical Therapy". Studies that were selected are published in the last 5 years. To assess the quality of studies PEDro scale was employed. Results: Following the 1164 review and position articles, five were finally analyzed according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. These studies were classified into 5 groups according to the type of technique used, being used as methods: nintendo Wii exercises, open kinetic chains or close kinetic exercises, physical exercise programs, high-intensity resistance or low-intensity resistance exercises, rehabilitation protocol supervised by a physiotherapist or not supervised. Conclusions: This systematic review found limited evidence of the effectiveness of the nintendo Wii exercises, open kinetic chains or close kinetic exercises, physical exercise programs, high-intensity resistance or low-intensity resistance exercises, rehabilitation protocol supervised by a physiotherapist or not supervised.