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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Hoy en día nos encontramos con que la perspectiva de la sociedad ha variado en muchos ámbitos. Hace 50 años la visión hacia un tema como la diversidad sexual era muy estrecha, raramente se hablaba de condiciones sexuales. Sin embargo, la sociedad ha ido evolucionando quedando aun camino que recorrer. Aquí surge la problemática que se va a desarrollar en este trabajo. Los problemas de la discriminación del colectivo LGTBI+, su inclusión dentro del artículo 14 CE y su protección en distintos ámbitos tanto nacionales como internacionales, además de las soluciones jurídicas que se han planteado para solventar las dificultades que arrastra este colectivo englobados dentro del término LGBTfobia, que incluye tanto la discriminación como lo delitos de odio. Finalmente, en un enfoque más global, se hablará de algunos de los países con la legislación más radical contra los homosexuales.
Today we find that the perspective of society has varied in many areas. Fifty years ago, the vision towards a topic such as sexual diversity was very narrow, rarely spoke of sexual conditions. However, society has evolved in most areas, but there is still a long way to go. Here arises the problem that is going to develop in this work. The problems of discrimination against the LGTBI + group, its inclusion within article 14 of the EC and its protection in different national and international spheres, in addition to the legal solutions that have been raised to solve the difficulties that this group is dragging, encompassed within the term LGBTphobia, which includes both discrimination and hate crimes. Finally, in a more global approach, we will talk about some of the countries with the most radical legislation against homosexuals.
Today we find that the perspective of society has varied in many areas. Fifty years ago, the vision towards a topic such as sexual diversity was very narrow, rarely spoke of sexual conditions. However, society has evolved in most areas, but there is still a long way to go. Here arises the problem that is going to develop in this work. The problems of discrimination against the LGTBI + group, its inclusion within article 14 of the EC and its protection in different national and international spheres, in addition to the legal solutions that have been raised to solve the difficulties that this group is dragging, encompassed within the term LGBTphobia, which includes both discrimination and hate crimes. Finally, in a more global approach, we will talk about some of the countries with the most radical legislation against homosexuals.