La comunicación de malas noticias.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Una mala noticia se define como “una comunicación antes desconocida que altera las expectativas futuras de las personas”. El proceso de comunicar malas noticias no es fácil y requiere de entrenamiento para hacerlo lo mejor posible y cumplir con nuestras expectativas y las de los pacientes. Por ello, esta búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos españolas e internacionales, tiene como objetivo analizar la importancia de comunicar malas noticias de manera adecuada y se divide en tres partes u objetivos específicos. En la primera se reconoce la importancia de la enfermería en el ámbito de la comunicación de malas noticias, ya que es sabido que los enfermeros son los profesionales sanitarios que más tiempo pasan con los pacientes, y su función, aparte de muchas otras, es el apoyo emocional de los mismos. En la segunda parte se identifican algunos de los protocolos existentes para llevar a cabo el proceso de comunicación de malas noticias, como el de Bukman, el SPIKES, el de Schubert, y varios más que se han originado partiendo de estos, y, por último, en la tercera parte se describen los factores que dificultan dicho proceso, ya sean socioculturales, factores del paciente o incluso del propio profesional, además de las barreras de la comunicación.
[EN] Bad news is defined as "a previously unknown communication that alters the future expectations of the people". The process of communicating bad news is not easy and requires training to do the best and fulfil our expectations and those of patients. Therefore, this literature search in databases, Spanish and international, aims to analyse the importance of proper communication of bad news and is divided into three parts or specific goals. In the first part, the importance of nursing in the field of communication of bad news is recognised because it is known that nurses are health professionals who spend more time with patients, and their function, apart from many others is the emotional support from them. In the second part some existing protocols are identified to carry out the process of communicating bad news, such as Bukman, SPIKES, Schubert, among others that have been originated on the basis of these ones, and finally in the third part are described the factors which hindering these process, whether cultural, patient factors or even the professional himself, in addition to communication barriers.
[EN] Bad news is defined as "a previously unknown communication that alters the future expectations of the people". The process of communicating bad news is not easy and requires training to do the best and fulfil our expectations and those of patients. Therefore, this literature search in databases, Spanish and international, aims to analyse the importance of proper communication of bad news and is divided into three parts or specific goals. In the first part, the importance of nursing in the field of communication of bad news is recognised because it is known that nurses are health professionals who spend more time with patients, and their function, apart from many others is the emotional support from them. In the second part some existing protocols are identified to carry out the process of communicating bad news, such as Bukman, SPIKES, Schubert, among others that have been originated on the basis of these ones, and finally in the third part are described the factors which hindering these process, whether cultural, patient factors or even the professional himself, in addition to communication barriers.