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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El objetivo de este Trabajo es mostrar a través de cifras el número
de empresas que cuentan con muJeres en sus Consejos de
Administración, identificándose la escasa representación de las
mismas. Estas cifras, alertan de la necesidad de identificar las
barreras de discriminación, tanto internas como externas a la
empresa, que a lo largo del tiempo han frenado el ingreso de la
mujer en su carrera profesional. Barreras a las que nos remitimos
para buscar la explicación de por qué el número de mujeres en los
Consejos de Administración de las empresas españolas siendo de
18,7%, cifra inferior a la media Unión Europea 22,7% en octubre
de 2015. Cuota intentada incrementar por la Ley Orgánica 3/2007,
de 22 de marzo de 2007, para la Igualdad Efectiva de hombres y
mujeres, y otras iniciativas políticas, tanto públicas como privadas
llevadas a cabo por las mismas empresas.
[EN] The aim of this work is through figures show the number of companies with women on their boards of directors, identifying the underrepresentation of them. These figures, warn of the need to identify both internal and external to the company, which over time have slowed the entry of women in their career barriers of discrimination. Barriers that we refer to seek explanation why the number of women m the Boards of Directors of Spanish companies being 18.7%, lower than the European Union average 22.7% figure in October 2015. Fee attempted increase by Organic Law 3/2007 of 22 March 2007, for the effective equality of men and women, and other public and prívate policy initiatives undertaken by the same companies.
[EN] The aim of this work is through figures show the number of companies with women on their boards of directors, identifying the underrepresentation of them. These figures, warn of the need to identify both internal and external to the company, which over time have slowed the entry of women in their career barriers of discrimination. Barriers that we refer to seek explanation why the number of women m the Boards of Directors of Spanish companies being 18.7%, lower than the European Union average 22.7% figure in October 2015. Fee attempted increase by Organic Law 3/2007 of 22 March 2007, for the effective equality of men and women, and other public and prívate policy initiatives undertaken by the same companies.