La Discrecionalidad Judicial
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Estudiar a fondo la discrecionalidad judicial y de buscar soluciones para la argumentación de los juicios que no sea la discrecionalidad, pero como veremos más adelante esto no es algo sencillo, sino casi imposible de hacer ya que los Ordenamientos Jurídicos no puede ser tan extensos e incluir todas y cada una de las posibilidades de infracciones que se puedan realizar.
De ello, nacen los principios que aunque son máximas de Derecho se utilizan como límites para la discrecionalidad de los operadores jurídicos, ya que aunque las normas jurídicas no tengan una solución para el caso en concreto, el operador jurídico siempre tendrá que argumentar en base a principios generales del Derecho.
Ante todo esto el trabajo intenta dar más claridad sobre de qué se trata la discrecionalidad judicial, sus causas y limites; y de los principios que rigen el Derecho para la utilización como herramientas de los operadores jurídicos.
[EN] We try to find out what has been the need to study judicial discretion and to find solutions for the argumentation of judgments other than discretion, but this is not something simple, but almost impossible to do since the Legal Ordinances cannot be so extensive and include each and every one of the possibilities of infractions that can be made. The principles are born that although they are maximum of Law are used as limits for the discretion of legal operators, since although the legal norms do not have a solution for the specific case, the legal operator will always have to argue on the basis to general principles of law. Given all this, the work tries to give more clarity about what judicial discretion is about, its causes and limits; and of the principles that govern the Law for the use as tools of the legal operators.
[EN] We try to find out what has been the need to study judicial discretion and to find solutions for the argumentation of judgments other than discretion, but this is not something simple, but almost impossible to do since the Legal Ordinances cannot be so extensive and include each and every one of the possibilities of infractions that can be made. The principles are born that although they are maximum of Law are used as limits for the discretion of legal operators, since although the legal norms do not have a solution for the specific case, the legal operator will always have to argue on the basis to general principles of law. Given all this, the work tries to give more clarity about what judicial discretion is about, its causes and limits; and of the principles that govern the Law for the use as tools of the legal operators.