El comercio del aceite de oliva en Estados Unidos; Exigencia del etiquetado.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El aceite de oliva, el oro líquido de nuestra tierra, no solo ostenta gran importancia en España sino también en múltiples países entre los que destaco Estados Unidos, país productor y gran importador de este producto, caracterizado por un continuo incremento de su consumo y gozando de gran prestigio mundial.
En el presente trabajo se llevará a cabo un estudio del aceite de oliva estadounidense en base a diferentes aspectos. En primer lugar se detallarán las diferentes categorías de aceite de oliva existentes en la actualidad. De manera posterior, se analizará la comercialización del aceite de oliva estadounidense teniendo en cuenta aspectos tales como sus precios, su producción, su consumo, etc. Y en último lugar, se explicarán las exigencias de obligado cumplimiento establecidas por los órganos de EEUU para que la etiqueta del aceite de oliva proporcione una información correcta y adecuada y no induzca a engaño alguno al consumidor.
[EN]Olive oil, the liquid gold of our land, not only holds great importance in Spain but also in many countries, including the United States, a producer and a major importer of this product, characterized by a continuous increase in consumption and enjoyment of great world prestige. In the present work a study of the American olive oil will be carried out based on different aspects. In the first place, the different categories of olive oil existing today will be detailed. Subsequently, the marketing of US olive oil will be analyzed taking into account aspects such as their prices, production, consumption, etc. And finally, the requirements of mandatory compliance established by the US bodies will be explained so that the olive oil label provides correct and adequate information and does not induce any deception of the consumer.
[EN]Olive oil, the liquid gold of our land, not only holds great importance in Spain but also in many countries, including the United States, a producer and a major importer of this product, characterized by a continuous increase in consumption and enjoyment of great world prestige. In the present work a study of the American olive oil will be carried out based on different aspects. In the first place, the different categories of olive oil existing today will be detailed. Subsequently, the marketing of US olive oil will be analyzed taking into account aspects such as their prices, production, consumption, etc. And finally, the requirements of mandatory compliance established by the US bodies will be explained so that the olive oil label provides correct and adequate information and does not induce any deception of the consumer.