La lengua extranjera y la Educación Especial
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En este trabajo proponemos el desarrollo de una unidad didáctica. Será una unidad didáctica de Inglés, que es una segunda lengua que se enseña en el colegio que hemos seleccionado. En este trabajo “La lengua extranjera (inglés) y la Educación Especial” el objetivo general es que el alumno que está dentro de las llamadas NEAE tenga también la oportunidad de adquirir un segundo idioma, para ello realizaremos una ACI NO SIGNIFICATIVA (Adaptación curricular no significativa). Se pretende la igualdad de condiciones y el desarrollo personal, social y sobre todo el desarrollo autónomo del alumno, orientándolo hacia una educación basada en valores que sustentan los contenidos propuestos.
[EN]We propose the development of a teaching unit, be a teaching unit of English, a second language is taught in school that we have selected. In this work, "The foreign language (English) and Special Education "the overall objective is that the student is within NEAE calls also have the opportunity to acquire a second language, for it will make a ACI NO SIGNIFICANT (Not significant curricular adaptation).Equal intended conditions and social and personal development of all development independent student, guiding me towards a values-based education underlying the proposed contents.
[EN]We propose the development of a teaching unit, be a teaching unit of English, a second language is taught in school that we have selected. In this work, "The foreign language (English) and Special Education "the overall objective is that the student is within NEAE calls also have the opportunity to acquire a second language, for it will make a ACI NO SIGNIFICANT (Not significant curricular adaptation).Equal intended conditions and social and personal development of all development independent student, guiding me towards a values-based education underlying the proposed contents.
Palabras clave
Educación especial