Narratividad textual y fílmica en Alice in Wonderland: obra original de Lewis Carroll y adaptación de Walt Disney.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo se basa en el análisis comparativo y contrastivo de la obra Alicia en el País de las Maravillas del escritor Lewis Carroll y su adaptación al cine en 1951 realizada por Walt Disney. La intención de este documento es la realización de un análisis de los elementos narratológicos en ambas obras y la comparación entre ellos. Primeramente, habrá una breve introducción y un acercamiento al contexto de ambos autores y de sus respectivas obras. Después, para plasmar por escrito tanto el análisis narratológico de la adaptación cinematográfica como el de la novela, se analizó la obra original de acuerdo a sus capítulos y la versión fílmica se dividió en segmentos en concordancia a los capítulos de la novela, analizando sus principales elementos y comparándolos con los de ésta. Tras esto, se redactaron unas conclusiones finales y, por último, nos encontramos con la bibliografía consultada.
This work is based on the comparative and contrastive analysis of the work "Alice in Wonderland" by the writer Lewis Carroll and its adaptation for screen, done in 1951 by Walt Disney. The intention of this work is the realization of an analysis of the narratological elements of both the novel and the film, as well as a comparison between them. Firstly, we will encounter a brief introduction, followed by a close peek at the context of both authors and their respective works. Afterwards, in order to put into words, the narratological analysis of both the novel and the film, the original work was analyzed based on its chapters and the film was divided into segments, each one matching a chapter of the novel. Following this and having considered both analysis, some final conclusions appear. Lastly, we will encounter the bibliography used and consulted for the realization of the work.
This work is based on the comparative and contrastive analysis of the work "Alice in Wonderland" by the writer Lewis Carroll and its adaptation for screen, done in 1951 by Walt Disney. The intention of this work is the realization of an analysis of the narratological elements of both the novel and the film, as well as a comparison between them. Firstly, we will encounter a brief introduction, followed by a close peek at the context of both authors and their respective works. Afterwards, in order to put into words, the narratological analysis of both the novel and the film, the original work was analyzed based on its chapters and the film was divided into segments, each one matching a chapter of the novel. Following this and having considered both analysis, some final conclusions appear. Lastly, we will encounter the bibliography used and consulted for the realization of the work.