La interdisciplinariedad en la enseñanza de ciencias. Nuevos métodos de aprendizaje. El agua en Educación Primaria.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Aprender acerca del agua, factor principal en nuestras vidas desde edades tempranas, así como el ciclo hidrológico o los estados en los que podemos encontrar esta sustancia, es el principal tema a tratar en el desarrollo de la propuesta didáctica planteada. La interdisciplinariedad, así como la utilización de una la metodología innovadora son dos factores claves para la consecución de dicho objetivo. Conseguir evitar un error conceptual o malas interpretaciones, son motivo del desarrollo de la intervención. Partir del conocimiento de qué es ciencia, o cual es el estado actual de la naturaleza de las ciencias en los alumnos, por los valores que estos representan, son clave para desarrollar propuestas “ideales” para la adquisición de nuevos saberes. La técnica Jigsaw, surge como una estrategia de innovación para fomentar el aprendizaje de los contenidos en los estudiantes, ya que el rol activo y participativo parece surgir efecto en la consecución de los distintos logros en el desarrollo de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
"Learning about water, the main factor in our lives from an early age, as well as the hydrological cycle or the states in which we can find this substance, is the main topic to discuss the development of the proposed teaching proposal. Interdisciplinarity, as well as the use of an innovative methodology are two key factors for achieving this objective. Being able to avoid a conceptual error or misinterpretations are the reason for the development of the intervention. Starting from the knowledge of what science is, or what is the current state of the nature of science in students, due to the values they represent, are key to developing ""ideal"" proposals for the acquisition of new knowledge. The Jigsaw technique emerges as an innovation strategy to promote content learning in students, since the active and participatory role seems to have a surgical effect in achieving the different achievements in the development of teaching-learning."
"Learning about water, the main factor in our lives from an early age, as well as the hydrological cycle or the states in which we can find this substance, is the main topic to discuss the development of the proposed teaching proposal. Interdisciplinarity, as well as the use of an innovative methodology are two key factors for achieving this objective. Being able to avoid a conceptual error or misinterpretations are the reason for the development of the intervention. Starting from the knowledge of what science is, or what is the current state of the nature of science in students, due to the values they represent, are key to developing ""ideal"" proposals for the acquisition of new knowledge. The Jigsaw technique emerges as an innovation strategy to promote content learning in students, since the active and participatory role seems to have a surgical effect in achieving the different achievements in the development of teaching-learning."
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Lenguas extranjeras (Inglés)