Programa de Intervención para entrenar la fortaleza de autocontrol en el personal sanitario
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Máster tiene como objetivo proponer un programa de intervención para mejorar la fortaleza de autocontrol en trabajadores en el ámbito de la medicina con el fin de reducir los niveles de estrés laboral y aumentar el bienestar subjetivo. Para el estudio, se empleará un diseño cuasi-experimental de medidas repetidas pre y post intervención con un seguimiento de tres meses tras finalizar la intervención, utilizando para ello dos grupos: un grupo experimental y un grupo de control en lista de espera. La intervención constará de nueve sesiones con una duración de 80 minutos cada una, en las cuales se realizarán actividades relacionadas con el entrenamiento cognitivo, emocional, conductual y de interacción social para mejorar sus habilidades de autocontrol y afrontamiento del estrés ocupacional. Tras la intervención se volverán facilitar los instrumentos de medidas a ambos grupos para comprobar si nuestra intervención ha sido efectiva.
[EN] The aim of this Master's thesis is to propose an intervention programme to improve self-control strength in medical workers in order to reduce work stress levels and increase subjective well-being. For the study, a quasi-experimental design of repeated measures pre- and post-intervention with a three-month follow-up after the end of the intervention will be used, using two groups: an experimental group and a waiting list control group. The intervention will consist of nine sessions lasting 80 minutes each, in which activities related to cognitive, emotional, behavioural and social interaction training will be carried out to improve self-management and coping skills for occupational stress. After the intervention, both groups will be given measurement instruments to check if our intervention has been effective.
[EN] The aim of this Master's thesis is to propose an intervention programme to improve self-control strength in medical workers in order to reduce work stress levels and increase subjective well-being. For the study, a quasi-experimental design of repeated measures pre- and post-intervention with a three-month follow-up after the end of the intervention will be used, using two groups: an experimental group and a waiting list control group. The intervention will consist of nine sessions lasting 80 minutes each, in which activities related to cognitive, emotional, behavioural and social interaction training will be carried out to improve self-management and coping skills for occupational stress. After the intervention, both groups will be given measurement instruments to check if our intervention has been effective.