Unidad Didáctica sobre los Fundamentos de Química Orgánica en 2o de Bachillerato
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El siguiente trabajo fin de máster describe una propuesta de planificación del proceso de
enseñanza y aprendizaje para la parte de los contenidos relacionados con los fundamentos de química
orgánica presentes en el currículo de segundo de bachillerato.
Bajo previa investigación y corrección de ideas previas erróneas típicas en esta área, dicha
planificación combina, a lo largo de sus diferentes sesiones, la metodología tradicional con
metodologías modernas tales como el uso de las TIC y la gamificación, utilizadas estas últimas como
herramientas auxiliares que ayuden a superar las dificultades que, por diversas razones, con más
frecuencia se les presentan al alumnado con el tipo de contenidos a tratar.
Se persigue, en definitiva, la facilitación de la adquisición de los contenidos citados, los cuales
se constituyen como unidad didáctica dentro de la programación de la asignatura de química general.
(EN)The following master's thesis describes a planning proposal for the teaching and learning process for the part of the contents related to the fundamentals of organic chemistry present in the second year high school curriculum. Under previous investigation and correction of typical misconceptions in this area, said planning combines, throughout its different sessions, the traditional methodology with modern methodologies such as the use of ICT and gamification, both of them used as auxiliary tools that help overcome the difficulties that, for different reasons, are more frequently presented to students with the type of content to be treated. Ultimately, the aim is to facilitate the acquisition of the aforementioned contents, which are constituted as a didactic unit within the programming of the general chemistry subject.
(EN)The following master's thesis describes a planning proposal for the teaching and learning process for the part of the contents related to the fundamentals of organic chemistry present in the second year high school curriculum. Under previous investigation and correction of typical misconceptions in this area, said planning combines, throughout its different sessions, the traditional methodology with modern methodologies such as the use of ICT and gamification, both of them used as auxiliary tools that help overcome the difficulties that, for different reasons, are more frequently presented to students with the type of content to be treated. Ultimately, the aim is to facilitate the acquisition of the aforementioned contents, which are constituted as a didactic unit within the programming of the general chemistry subject.