Límites constitucionales y principales desafíos del modelo territorial español
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
A pesar de su funcionamiento durante casi cuarenta años, el Estado Autonómico diseñado por la Constitución de 1978 presenta, en la actualidad, unas disfunciones que ponen en cuestión su validez e, incluso, su continuidad. Es cierto que la autonomía, la unidad y la solidaridad, en tanto que se configuran como principios constitucionales de nuestro modelo territorial, suponen los límites infranqueables que deben regir el funcionamiento y garantizar la solidez de la cuestión territorial española. Sin embargo, los problemas de integración que han florecido en los últimos años, sumados a otros desarreglos estructurales, debilitan nuestro modelo de Estado. Esto ha justificado un consenso generalizado en la necesidad de su reconstrucción mediante una reforma constitucional capaz de resolver los problemas coyunturales y dotar a la estructura territorial de la estabilidad propia que requiere esta cuestión. Las líneas en las que debe trabajarse, por el contrario, no resultan tan evidentes.
[EN] Despite its operation for nearly forty years, the Autonomous State designed by the 1978 Constitution, nowadays, presents dysfunctions that call into question its validity and, even, its continuity. It is true that autonomy, unity and solidarity, while being constituted as constitutional principles of our territorial model, imply the insurmountable limits that should govern the operation and ensure the solidity of the Spanish territorial issue. However, the problems of integration that have flourished in recent years, coupled with other structural disarray, weaken our model of State. This has justified a generalized consensus on the need for its reconstruction through a constitutional reform capable of solving the current problems and endowing the territorial structure with the proper stability that this issue requires. On the other hand, the lines to work on are not so obvious.
[EN] Despite its operation for nearly forty years, the Autonomous State designed by the 1978 Constitution, nowadays, presents dysfunctions that call into question its validity and, even, its continuity. It is true that autonomy, unity and solidarity, while being constituted as constitutional principles of our territorial model, imply the insurmountable limits that should govern the operation and ensure the solidity of the Spanish territorial issue. However, the problems of integration that have flourished in recent years, coupled with other structural disarray, weaken our model of State. This has justified a generalized consensus on the need for its reconstruction through a constitutional reform capable of solving the current problems and endowing the territorial structure with the proper stability that this issue requires. On the other hand, the lines to work on are not so obvious.