El itinerario como recurso didáctico en un entorno natural.
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En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se desarrolla una propuesta de intervención dirigida al segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil, concretamente de 5 a 6 años. En ella, se trabajan las Ciencias de la Naturaleza desde un entorno natural, como es el Parque del Seminario, en la ciudad de Jaén. Para ello se llevará a cabo un itinerario didáctico como instrumento fundamental para el desarrollo instructivo y lúdico de los alumnos, permitiendo la aproximación directa con el medio y favoreciendo la importancia de la flora y la fauna que encontramos en este tipo de entornos. Además, se fomentarán actitudes de respeto y cuidado con el Medio Ambiente y se realizarán actividades y juegos de concienciación hacia la naturaleza, promoviendo las necesidades e intereses de todos y cada uno de los alumnos.
In this Final Degree Project, an intervention proposal is developed for the second cycle of Early Childhood Education, specifically for 5 to 6 years. In it, the Natural Sciences are worked from a natural environment, such as the Parque del Seminario, in the city of Jaén. For this, a didactic itinerary will be carried out as a fundamental instrument for the educational and recreational development of students, allowing a direct approach with the environment and favoring the importance of the flora and fauna we find in this type of environment. In addition, attitudes of respect and care for the environment will be promoted and awareness-raising activities and games will be carried out towards nature, promoting the necessities and interests of each and every student.
In this Final Degree Project, an intervention proposal is developed for the second cycle of Early Childhood Education, specifically for 5 to 6 years. In it, the Natural Sciences are worked from a natural environment, such as the Parque del Seminario, in the city of Jaén. For this, a didactic itinerary will be carried out as a fundamental instrument for the educational and recreational development of students, allowing a direct approach with the environment and favoring the importance of the flora and fauna we find in this type of environment. In addition, attitudes of respect and care for the environment will be promoted and awareness-raising activities and games will be carried out towards nature, promoting the necessities and interests of each and every student.
Palabras clave
Aprender a descubrir el mundo a través de las Ciencias y de la Lengua