La educación literaria: Desarrollo y aplicación del cuento en el aula de Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado trata de la educación literaria en el medio escolar. A través de la literatura infantil y juvenil trabajaremos la competencia lectora utilizando los diferentes métodos con el propósito de que el alumnado adquiera una gran destreza en la lectura, e intentando que sea de una manera activa, dinámica y motivadora. También haremos referencia a los diferentes tipos de géneros que podemos encontrar en la literatura. Por último, hemos elaborado una propuesta didáctica para el 2º curso de Educación Primaria en la que utilizaremos el cuento Caperucita Roja de Charles Perrault como recurso para el aprendizaje de la Literatura.
[EN]The aim of this paper is to analyse literary education in the school environment. Through the use of children’s and youth literature we can work on reading competence using different methods so that students can acquire considerable skill in reading, in an active, dynamic and motivating way. We also make reference to the different genres that we can find in literature. Lastly, we have developed a didactic proposal for the second year of primary education, in which we use the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, by Charles Perrault, as a resource for learning through Literature.
[EN]The aim of this paper is to analyse literary education in the school environment. Through the use of children’s and youth literature we can work on reading competence using different methods so that students can acquire considerable skill in reading, in an active, dynamic and motivating way. We also make reference to the different genres that we can find in literature. Lastly, we have developed a didactic proposal for the second year of primary education, in which we use the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, by Charles Perrault, as a resource for learning through Literature.
Palabras clave
Educación especial