Estrategias para la adquisición del inglés
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo de fin de grado está centrado en la adquisición de la lengua extranjera en alumnos de Educación Primaria, en este caso el inglés, y la utilidad de distintas estrategias que acercan este aprendizaje a una adquisición más natural y fácil como si se tratara de la lengua materna. Por ello, se pretende mejorar dicho proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje con diferentes estrategias, haciéndolo más útil y eficaz, de manera que el alumno sea capaz de desenvolverse en contextos que requieran la comunicación en lengua inglesa tan importante hoy día.
[EN]This grade final project is based in the study of the acquisition of a foreign language by primary school children, English in this case, and the different useful strategies that approximate this learning to a more natural and easy acquisition process similarly to the one needed for the development of the mother tongue. That is why improving this way of teaching is wanted - learning process with this strategies, doing this more useful and efficient, so that the pupil become to develop in context that required the communication in the English language, which is so important nowadays.
[EN]This grade final project is based in the study of the acquisition of a foreign language by primary school children, English in this case, and the different useful strategies that approximate this learning to a more natural and easy acquisition process similarly to the one needed for the development of the mother tongue. That is why improving this way of teaching is wanted - learning process with this strategies, doing this more useful and efficient, so that the pupil become to develop in context that required the communication in the English language, which is so important nowadays.