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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)La realización de este Trabajo Fin de Máster tiene como principal objetivo la elaboración de la
programación de la unidad didáctica Cálculo de derivadas y sus aplicaciones, en la asignatura de
Matemáticas I del curso de 1o Bachillerato de Ciencias, teniendo siempre presente las diferentes
necesidades del alumnado.
Diseñaremos unos métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje diferentes y eficientes basados en
investigaciones previas, como son la técnica del aula invertida, la utilización de los recursos TIC, uso de
softwares matemáticos o utilización de redes sociales como herramientas de apoyo, buscando la mejor
comprensión de los contenidos y evitar las dificultades de aprendizaje.
Además, nos basaremos en el desarrollo del currículo y la comparación del contenido en varios libros de
texto del nivel académico tratado, el desarrollo de un tema de oposición con alto rigor académico y el
análisis de investigaciones relacionadas en el ámbito de la didáctica de la matemática.
(EN)The realization of this Master's Thesis has as its main objective the elaboration of the programming of the didactic unit Calculus of derivatives and its applications, in the subject of Mathematics I of the course of 1st Baccalaureate of Sciences, always keeping in mind the different needs of the students. We will design different and efficient teaching and learning methods based on previous research, such as the inverted classroom technique, the use of ICT resources, the use of mathematical software or the use of social networks as support tools, seeking a better understanding of the contents and avoid learning difficulties. In addition, we will base ourselves on the development of the curriculum and the comparison of the content in several textbooks of the academic level treated, the development of an opposition topic with high academic rigor and the analysis of related research in the field of mathematics didactics.
(EN)The realization of this Master's Thesis has as its main objective the elaboration of the programming of the didactic unit Calculus of derivatives and its applications, in the subject of Mathematics I of the course of 1st Baccalaureate of Sciences, always keeping in mind the different needs of the students. We will design different and efficient teaching and learning methods based on previous research, such as the inverted classroom technique, the use of ICT resources, the use of mathematical software or the use of social networks as support tools, seeking a better understanding of the contents and avoid learning difficulties. In addition, we will base ourselves on the development of the curriculum and the comparison of the content in several textbooks of the academic level treated, the development of an opposition topic with high academic rigor and the analysis of related research in the field of mathematics didactics.