El Texto Literario de la Segunda Lengua Extranjera (francés) dentro del aula de Educación Primaria.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se le va a dar la mayor importancia al desarrollo de la lectura en una lengua extranjera, ya que siempre ha sido muy poco valorada. Y al mismo tiempo a concienciar al alumnado de la cantidad de estereotipos y roles de género que encontramos en nuestra sociedad. Asimismo, se trabajarán temas transversales como la transmisión de valores y el aprendizaje de una nueva cultura. Durante el desarrollo del trabajo se tratarán temas relacionados, como el texto literario y la selección de este para trabajar en el aula de lengua extranjera (francés) y la importancia que tiene la novela en el alumnado. Por último, se realizará una aplicación didáctica como modelo, con actividades en relación con la lectura y con los temas elegidos a trabajar en este proyecto. Se hará de tal manera para que el ambiente de clase resulte motivante y atractivo.
In this End of Degree Project, the importance of work will be given to development of reading in a foreign language, since it has always been very little valued. And at the same time to raise awareness among students of the number of stereotypes and gender roles that we find in our society. Also, cross-cutting themes such as the transmission of values and the learning of a new culture will be worked on. During the development of the work related topics will be discussed, such as the literary text and the selection of this to work in the foreign language classroom (French) and the importance of the novel in students. Finally, didactic application will be carried out as a model, with activities related to reading and with topics chosen to work on this project. It will be done in such a way that the classroom environment is motivating and attractive.
In this End of Degree Project, the importance of work will be given to development of reading in a foreign language, since it has always been very little valued. And at the same time to raise awareness among students of the number of stereotypes and gender roles that we find in our society. Also, cross-cutting themes such as the transmission of values and the learning of a new culture will be worked on. During the development of the work related topics will be discussed, such as the literary text and the selection of this to work in the foreign language classroom (French) and the importance of the novel in students. Finally, didactic application will be carried out as a model, with activities related to reading and with topics chosen to work on this project. It will be done in such a way that the classroom environment is motivating and attractive.
Palabras clave
Lengua extranjera (francés)