Check-e-ando la seguridad del paciente en quirófano
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La seguridad es una de las dimensiones fundamentales de la calidad asistencial y un 37.6% de los eventos adversos
que afectan a pacientes, son derivados de intervenciones quirúrgicas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
estableció en su “segundo reto mundial por la seguridad del paciente: la cirugía segura salva vidas”, unos
requerimientos exigibles a todas las cirugías. Esto llevó a la creación de los Listados de Verificación de Seguridad
Quirúrgica (LVSQ). Así, realizamos un estudio durante la asignatura Practicum VI en el área quirúrgica del Hospital
San Agustín de Linares donde hemos observado 86 intervenciones. Hemos comprobado si se utilizan los Listados de
Verificación Quirúrgica de la OMS, además de las directrices de “chequeo” previas a la anestesia de la Sociedad
Española de Anestesiología (SEDAR). Hallando que no se utilizan los “LVSQ” ni se siguen las directrices de la SEDAR
de forma protocolizada en ninguna de las intervenciones observadas.
[EN] The safety of patients is essential when providing a high standard of healthcare and 37.6% of adverse events suffered by patients take place as a result of surgery. The World Health Organization (WHO) established a series of enforceable requirements for all surgical interventions, in its “second global challenge for patient safety: the Safe Surgery Saves Lives”, which resulted in the creation of the Surgical Safety Checklist. Consequently, as part of the Practicum VI course, we have observed a total of 86 interventions in the surgical area of San Agustin Hospital in Linares. We have checked whether World Health Organization´s Surgical Safety Checklists, in addition to Spanish Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy´s (SEDAR) checking guidelines prior to anesthesia are being used. Our research shows that the Surgical Safety Checklist and checking guidelines of the SEDAR aren´t being used as a protocol in any of the observed surgeries.
[EN] The safety of patients is essential when providing a high standard of healthcare and 37.6% of adverse events suffered by patients take place as a result of surgery. The World Health Organization (WHO) established a series of enforceable requirements for all surgical interventions, in its “second global challenge for patient safety: the Safe Surgery Saves Lives”, which resulted in the creation of the Surgical Safety Checklist. Consequently, as part of the Practicum VI course, we have observed a total of 86 interventions in the surgical area of San Agustin Hospital in Linares. We have checked whether World Health Organization´s Surgical Safety Checklists, in addition to Spanish Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy´s (SEDAR) checking guidelines prior to anesthesia are being used. Our research shows that the Surgical Safety Checklist and checking guidelines of the SEDAR aren´t being used as a protocol in any of the observed surgeries.