Prevalencia de desnutrición en ancianos hospitalizados e importancia del abordaje: Una revisión bibliográfica.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El 17,13% de la población española es >65años y el 5.2% >80años, esta elevada esperanza de vida nos debe llevar a pensar que es importante tener una buena calidad de vida, por lo que debemos abordar los problemas de elevada prevalencia entre este colectivo siendo la desnutrición hospitalaria uno de ellos, la prevalencia ronda entre el 30-40% es de etiología multifactorial. Este problema produce un incremento en la estancia media de hospitalización incrementando los costes asociados a cuidados. Importante realizar un cribado nutricional y valoración del estado nutricional precoz. Los suplementos nutricionales son costo-efectivos.
Revisión bibliográfica narrativa, para la cual se han empleado la búsqueda en distintas bases de datos CSIC, CINHAL, PUBMED, SCOPUS Y GOOGLE ACADÉMICO Y SENPE de los cuales se seleccionaron 47 y finalmente se utilizaron 31 para la elaboración de este estudio.
Las variables relacionadas con la desnutrición son la edad, a mayor edad peor estado nutricional, el sexo, las mujeres mayor prevalencia que los hombres, la polifarmacia, parámetros bioquímicos y antropométricos en valores inferiores a la normalidad, capacidad funcional y el estado cognitivo, la patología de base, las herramientas utilizadas, la vía de alimentación, días de estancia hospitalaria y el tipo de unidad donde ingresa el paciente.
La prevalencia de desnutrición es elevada, pero es difícil estimarla. Es muy importante realizar cribado nutricional de forma precoz, para poder abordar este problema de forma rápida. Actualmente no hay un “GOLD STANDARD” por lo que sería preciso seguir investigando. Se recomienda para la población anciana el MNA.
[EN] 17.13% of the Spanish population is > 65 and 5.2% > 80 years, this high life expectancy should make us think that it is important to have a good quality of life, so we must address the issues raised prevalence among this group, being malnutrition one of them in hospitalized patients, the prevalence ranges between 30-40% is multifactorial etiology. This problem causes an increase in the average stay increasing hospitalization and costs associated with care. It is important to carry out a nutritional screening and assessment of early nutritional status. Nutritional supplements are cost-effective. Narrative literature review, for which results have been, used in different data bases CSIC, CINAHL, Pub Med, Scopus, GOOGLE ACADEMIC and SENPE of which 47 were selected and finally 31 were used to prepare this study. The variables associated with malnutrition are the age, the older worst nutritional status, sex, women higher prevalence than men, elderly who use a lot of medicine, biochemical and anthropometric in values below normal parameters, functional capacity and cognitive status, underlying disease, the tools used, the feed path, days in hospital and type of unit where the patient is admitted. The prevalence of malnutrition is high, but it is difficult to estimate it. It is very important nutritional screening early, to address this problem quickly. Currently there is no "gold standard" so it would be further investigated. It is recommended for the elderly the MNA.
[EN] 17.13% of the Spanish population is > 65 and 5.2% > 80 years, this high life expectancy should make us think that it is important to have a good quality of life, so we must address the issues raised prevalence among this group, being malnutrition one of them in hospitalized patients, the prevalence ranges between 30-40% is multifactorial etiology. This problem causes an increase in the average stay increasing hospitalization and costs associated with care. It is important to carry out a nutritional screening and assessment of early nutritional status. Nutritional supplements are cost-effective. Narrative literature review, for which results have been, used in different data bases CSIC, CINAHL, Pub Med, Scopus, GOOGLE ACADEMIC and SENPE of which 47 were selected and finally 31 were used to prepare this study. The variables associated with malnutrition are the age, the older worst nutritional status, sex, women higher prevalence than men, elderly who use a lot of medicine, biochemical and anthropometric in values below normal parameters, functional capacity and cognitive status, underlying disease, the tools used, the feed path, days in hospital and type of unit where the patient is admitted. The prevalence of malnutrition is high, but it is difficult to estimate it. It is very important nutritional screening early, to address this problem quickly. Currently there is no "gold standard" so it would be further investigated. It is recommended for the elderly the MNA.