Temas transversales en la Educación Física y bilingüismo en Lengua Francesa: “El cuerpo y sus movimientos”
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Se trata de un Trabajo Fin de Grado enfocado desde el punto de vista de los valores, a través de los Temas Transversales según se recoge en la legislación educativa, y que responde a la realidad social existente y a sus demandas. Se plantean una serie de objetivos para la consecución de estos valores y también para el dominio y conocimiento de una Lengua Extranjera, en este caso el francés, enmarcados en la asignatura de Educación Física. se desarrolla, por un lado con un deporte concreto, el baloncesto, y por otro, a través de la unidad didáctica "El cuerpo y sus movimientos". Desde el punto de vista profesional, este TFG, me ha servido para ver más claro por qué y para qué enseñamos.
[EN] This final Project work is focused form the view point of values, across the cross cutting themes as listed in the educational legislation and responsive to the existing social reality and its demands. Its raised and objectives to obtain this values and also to the domain and knowledge of a foreign language, French in this case, framed in the subject of physical education. It develops in one hand with a concrete sport, basketball and on the other hand through the teachinig unit "the body and its movements". From the professional point of view, this TFG, has helped me to see more clearly why and how we teach.
[EN] This final Project work is focused form the view point of values, across the cross cutting themes as listed in the educational legislation and responsive to the existing social reality and its demands. Its raised and objectives to obtain this values and also to the domain and knowledge of a foreign language, French in this case, framed in the subject of physical education. It develops in one hand with a concrete sport, basketball and on the other hand through the teachinig unit "the body and its movements". From the professional point of view, this TFG, has helped me to see more clearly why and how we teach.
Palabras clave
Educación física