Las retenciones policiales y su encaje constitucional
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En nuestro ordenamiento jurídico además de la detención preventiva y la prisión provisional, se han articulado otros supuestos o modalidades de privación de libertad, consecuencia de la indispensable limitación y cesión de la libertad física, en favor de la protección de otros derechos, bienes y valores de relevancia constitucional. En ocasiones, algunos de dichos supuestos carecían en principio de cobertura legal, expresa o adecuada, y la literatura jurídica las rubricaba como «retenciones policiales». El presente trabajo se centrará en la que podríamos calificar como la más controvertida, es decir, la conocida como «diligencia de identificación» en dependencias policiales, regulada en el marco de la seguridad ciudadana.
El fin principal será realizar un estudio completo y profundo de la figura; de su historia; de su encaje constitucional y de sus diferentes problemáticas.
[EN]In our legal system as well as the arrest and the pre-trial detention, other assumptions or methods of deprivation of freedom have been articulated in consequence of the essential limitation and cession of physical freedom, in favor of the protection of other rights, goods and principles of constitutional relevance. Occasionally, some already said assumptions did not lack legal coverage at the beginning, express and suitable, and the legal literature closed them off as «police withholdings». This present dissertation will be focused on what we could qualify as the most controversial one, that is to say, the well-known «identification controls» in police department, which is regulated on the citizen security frame. The main aim will be to carry out a complete and deep study of the figure; of its history, and of its different difficulties
[EN]In our legal system as well as the arrest and the pre-trial detention, other assumptions or methods of deprivation of freedom have been articulated in consequence of the essential limitation and cession of physical freedom, in favor of the protection of other rights, goods and principles of constitutional relevance. Occasionally, some already said assumptions did not lack legal coverage at the beginning, express and suitable, and the legal literature closed them off as «police withholdings». This present dissertation will be focused on what we could qualify as the most controversial one, that is to say, the well-known «identification controls» in police department, which is regulated on the citizen security frame. The main aim will be to carry out a complete and deep study of the figure; of its history, and of its different difficulties