La canción como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza del inglés
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En el siguiente trabajo se muestra todo el valor que hoy en día recoge el conocimiento
de la lengua extranjera inglesa, y de ello la importancia de una correcta enseñanza. Esta
necesidad se llevará a la etapa de educación primaria y se tratará de buscar una metodología
didáctica que sea enriquecedora para los alumnos y que principalmente motive. Esta es una
valiosa herramienta que aparte de ayudar al desarrollo de las 4 habilidades básicas en la
enseñanza de un idioma, aporta muchas ventajas a los alumnos y con ello un mayor desarrollo
cognitivo y emocional. Por un lado se tratará de explicar y aclarar ventajas. También aconsejar
sobre técnicas que lleven a una mejor enseñanza. Llevaré a cabo 2 propuestas metodológicas
enfocadas a diferentes cursos de la etapa de educación primaria.
Mediante el siguiente documento se justificará la herramienta musical en la asignatura
de inglés.
La música tiene una gran aportación en el mundo educativo, y mi objetivo como futuro
docente será entre ellos que tanto la música como canciones tengan cada día más importancia
dentro del aula, puesto que la vida sin música sería un error.
In this paper all the value that today includes the knowledge of the English language is displayed, and thus the importance of proper education. This need will take the stage of primary education and will seek a teaching methodology that is enriching for students and primarily motivated. This is a valuable tool that apart from helping the development of the 4 basic skills in teaching language, provides many advantages to students and thus greater cognitive and emotional development. On the one hand we will try to explain and clarify advantages. Also advise on techniques that lead to better teaching. I will carry out two methodological proposals aimed at different courses of primary education stage. By the following document the musical tool in the subject of English is justified. Music has a great contribution in the educational world, and my goal as future teachers will be among them that both music and songs are increasingly important in the classroom, since life without music would be a mistake.
In this paper all the value that today includes the knowledge of the English language is displayed, and thus the importance of proper education. This need will take the stage of primary education and will seek a teaching methodology that is enriching for students and primarily motivated. This is a valuable tool that apart from helping the development of the 4 basic skills in teaching language, provides many advantages to students and thus greater cognitive and emotional development. On the one hand we will try to explain and clarify advantages. Also advise on techniques that lead to better teaching. I will carry out two methodological proposals aimed at different courses of primary education stage. By the following document the musical tool in the subject of English is justified. Music has a great contribution in the educational world, and my goal as future teachers will be among them that both music and songs are increasingly important in the classroom, since life without music would be a mistake.
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