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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El Trabajo Fin de Máster que se presenta en este documento, tiene como principal
objetivo poner en práctica los diferentes conocimientos, competencias y destrezas
obtenidas en el Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria
Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas que se ha
cursado en la Universidad de Jaén durante el curso 2018/2019 en la especialidad de
Este trabajo consta de cuatro partes bien diferenciadas, que son:
El análisis de artículos relacionados con el tema a desarrollar en la Unidad
Didáctica (fundamentación didáctica).
La elaboración de un tema de oposiciones que esté relacionado con el tema de la
Unidad Didáctica (fundamentación epistemológica).
La comparación de tres libros de texto atendiendo a contenidos, organización y
estructura (fundamentación curricular).
La creación de una Unidad Didáctica. En este caso, estará diseñada para alumnos
de 2º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.
Palabras clave: Matemáticas, Cuerpos Geométricos, Unidad Didáctica, Educación
Secundaria Obligatoria
[EN]The Master Final Project introduced in this document aims at practising different knowledge, competence and skills achieved in the Master degree in Secondary Education Teacher, Professional Education and Language Learning studied at the University of Jaén in the year 2018/2019, specialization in Mathematics. This work is divided into four different parts: Analysing the issues related to the topic of the teaching unit (educational base), Creating a teaching unit for the Exam for Public Service which would be related to the school teaching unit (epistemological base), Comparing three different textbooks according to their content, organization and lesson development (curricular base) and Elaborating a teaching unit. It would be designed for Second Year Compulsory Education students. Key words: Mathematics, Geometric Shapes, Teaching Unit, Compulsory Secondary Education.
[EN]The Master Final Project introduced in this document aims at practising different knowledge, competence and skills achieved in the Master degree in Secondary Education Teacher, Professional Education and Language Learning studied at the University of Jaén in the year 2018/2019, specialization in Mathematics. This work is divided into four different parts: Analysing the issues related to the topic of the teaching unit (educational base), Creating a teaching unit for the Exam for Public Service which would be related to the school teaching unit (epistemological base), Comparing three different textbooks according to their content, organization and lesson development (curricular base) and Elaborating a teaching unit. It would be designed for Second Year Compulsory Education students. Key words: Mathematics, Geometric Shapes, Teaching Unit, Compulsory Secondary Education.
Palabras clave