El cómic como recurso didáctico para trabajar el área de lenguajes: comunicación y representación
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo se centra en un estudio sobre el com1c, sus características y algunas de las posibilidades educativas que nos ofrece para ser aplicado como recurso didáctico en el segundo ciclo de educación infantil. Concretamente empleado, como una herramienta novedosa para el desarrollo de algunas de las competencias correspondientes a la tercera área del currículo de Educación Infantil: "Lenguajes: comunicación y representación", la cual engloba la comunicación y representación corporal, gestual, verbal -oral y escrita-, artística -plástica y musical-, audiovisual y tecnológica.
Por consiguiente, se pretende a través de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, ofrecer una propuesta educativa para introducir a los alumnos y alumnas de tres a seis años en un medio de comunicación de masas menos conocido, tanto para ellos como para los docentes, como es el caso del cómic, pero que puede llegar a ser altamente atractivo, didáctico y promotor de la creatividad.
This work focuses on a study about the comic, its features and sorne of the educational possibilities it offers to be used as a teaching resource in the second cycle of early childhood education. Specifically employed, as an innovative tool for the development of sorne of the powers corresponding to the third area of the curriculum of early childhood education: "languages: communication and representation", which in-eludes communication and body, gestural, verbal -oral, artistic - plastic and musical-, audiovisual and technologic representation. Therefore, intends through this work of end of degree, offer an educational proposal to introduce boys and girls from three to six years on a lesser-known mass medium, both for them and for the teachers, as it is the case of the comic, but which can be highly attractive, didactic and promoter of creativity.
This work focuses on a study about the comic, its features and sorne of the educational possibilities it offers to be used as a teaching resource in the second cycle of early childhood education. Specifically employed, as an innovative tool for the development of sorne of the powers corresponding to the third area of the curriculum of early childhood education: "languages: communication and representation", which in-eludes communication and body, gestural, verbal -oral, artistic - plastic and musical-, audiovisual and technologic representation. Therefore, intends through this work of end of degree, offer an educational proposal to introduce boys and girls from three to six years on a lesser-known mass medium, both for them and for the teachers, as it is the case of the comic, but which can be highly attractive, didactic and promoter of creativity.