Enseñanza del léxico en Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente Trabajo de Fin de grado tiene por objetivo ofrecer una formación adecuada al docente y orientaciones para una adecuada enseñanza del léxico en Primaria.
A lo largo del trabajo se desarrollan los diferentes puntos que el docente debe seguir para poder llevar a cabo una adecuada enseñanza. También aparecen recursos innovadores como son las TIC para hacer de la enseñanza un proceso educativo, innovador y motivador para el alumnado.
Se incluye también una propuesta didáctica basada en la enseñanza del léxico en un curso de quinto de Primaria, en la que se incluyen sus sesiones correspondientes.
Along this study different important points that teachers should follow are developed due to carry out a suitable education in Primary School. Throughout this work are developed different important point what teacher have to follow to carry through a suitable education. Also, there are innovative resources like TIC (Technology of the information and communication), to carry out training an educative process, innovative and motivational for students. A didactic proporsal is included as well based on lexical teaching in the fifth year of the Primary School, where the correspondent sessions are included.
Along this study different important points that teachers should follow are developed due to carry out a suitable education in Primary School. Throughout this work are developed different important point what teacher have to follow to carry through a suitable education. Also, there are innovative resources like TIC (Technology of the information and communication), to carry out training an educative process, innovative and motivational for students. A didactic proporsal is included as well based on lexical teaching in the fifth year of the Primary School, where the correspondent sessions are included.
Palabras clave
Educación Física