Modificaciones legislativas y normativas tras en los hoteles tras el covid-19
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La llegada del coronavirus a España ha tenido múltiples
consecuencias a nivel sanitario, laboral y social; el sector turístico
ha sido uno de los más afectados en esta crisis, reduciéndose, en el
caso de nuestro país, la llegada de turistas en más de un 75%, con
lo que las consecuencias han sido muy graves.
Para cambiar esta situación el gobierno de España ha promulgado
una serie de normas y medidas, tanto para prevenir su expansión
en establecimientos hoteleros, buscando la máxima seguridad e
higiene como para paliar las negativas consecuencias negativas
que el cierre de establecimientos y la escasa llegada de turistas
tendrá para España.
Por ello, se analiza, en primer lugar, la situación del turismo en
nuestro país, a nivel general y de la Comunidad Autónoma de
Andalucía a nivel particular, para posteriormente analizar e
identificar las medidas en materia preventiva y de seguridad que se
han promulgado, así como las normas a nivel económico.
The arrival of coronavirus in Spain has had multiple consequences at the health, labour and social level; the tourism sector has been one of the most affected in this crisis, reducing, in the case of our country, the arrival of tourists by more than 75%, so the consequences have been very serious. To change this situation, the Spanish government has enacted a series of rules and measures, both to prevent its expansion into hotel establishments, seeking maximum safety and hygiene and to alleviate the negative negative consequences that the closure of establishments and the low arrival of tourists will have for Spain. Therefore, the situation of tourism in our country, at the general level and the Autonomous Community of Andalusia at the particular level, is analysed first to analyse and identify the preventive and security measures that have been enacted, as well as the rules at the economic level.
The arrival of coronavirus in Spain has had multiple consequences at the health, labour and social level; the tourism sector has been one of the most affected in this crisis, reducing, in the case of our country, the arrival of tourists by more than 75%, so the consequences have been very serious. To change this situation, the Spanish government has enacted a series of rules and measures, both to prevent its expansion into hotel establishments, seeking maximum safety and hygiene and to alleviate the negative negative consequences that the closure of establishments and the low arrival of tourists will have for Spain. Therefore, the situation of tourism in our country, at the general level and the Autonomous Community of Andalusia at the particular level, is analysed first to analyse and identify the preventive and security measures that have been enacted, as well as the rules at the economic level.