Integración de alumnado con deficiencia auditiva en colegios
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster pretende hacer una revisión sobre los diferentes factores que causan la deficiencia auditiva en las personas y la forma de intervenir en el aula para conseguir su integración. He desarrollado objetivos a conseguir con el proyecto de intervención en dos tipos generales: generales y específicos. Estos objetivos sirven de base para sustentar toda la práctica educativa que desarrollo con mi proyecto de intervención y son referente fundamental a la hora de desarrollar las actividades con mi alumnado. El proyecto de intervención, que desarrollo en el presente Trabajo Fin de Máster, se desarrolla para una clase de segundo curso de Educación Primaria, aunque con las pertinentes modificaciones, podría desarrollarse en cualquier otro curso. Con este proyecto, y a través de una serie de actividades motivantes y lúdicas, conseguiré que la niña con discapacidad auditiva de mi clase consiga una perfecta integración social con sus compañeros.
[EN]This final project of the Master's is a review about the different factors that can be produced due to hearing impairment in a person and the way that we can intervene to ensure the integration of students. I have developed two types of objectives to use with the intervention project: generals and specific. These objectives serve the base to support all the educative practices that I develop with my intervention project, and there is essentially to develop the activities with my students. The intervention project, that I develop with the present final project of the Master's, is developed for one classroom of the second course of Primary School, however with some modifications, it could be used in any other course. With the project, and through different motivations and playful activities, perfect social integration with their classmates will be achieved.
[EN]This final project of the Master's is a review about the different factors that can be produced due to hearing impairment in a person and the way that we can intervene to ensure the integration of students. I have developed two types of objectives to use with the intervention project: generals and specific. These objectives serve the base to support all the educative practices that I develop with my intervention project, and there is essentially to develop the activities with my students. The intervention project, that I develop with the present final project of the Master's, is developed for one classroom of the second course of Primary School, however with some modifications, it could be used in any other course. With the project, and through different motivations and playful activities, perfect social integration with their classmates will be achieved.
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