La promoción de hábitos saludables ligado a la actividad física en Educación Infantil
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En estos últimos años, nuestro país ha padecido de enormes alteraciones que han afectado drásticamente a
la manera de alimentarse de nuestros ciudadanos y, por supuesto, esto influye en los hábitos saludables.
Vivimos en un país meramente sedentario, en el cual supone una de las causas de obesidad infantil y,
posteriormente, obesidad en la edad adulta. Las dietas habituales que solemos llevar a cabo la hemos
sustituido, rápidamente, por una excesiva cantidad de azúcares y aporte energético, así como una
reducción del ejercicio físico. En España, se ha cuadruplicado la tasa de obesidad, llegando a ocasionar un
enorme problema a nivel institucional y social.
La escuela, un entorno de desarrollo y educación, tienen que hacer frente a dicho problema e inculcar
hábitos saludables desde edades tan tempranas como es en Educación Infantil. El ámbito escolar dispone
de un gran potencial y responsabilidad en la precaución de estilos de vida saludables.
In recent years, our country has suffered from enormous alterations that have drastically affected the way our citizens eat and, of course, this influences healthy habits. We live in a merely sedentary country, in which it is one of the causes of childhood obesity and, later, obesity in adulthood. The habitual diets that we usually carry out have been replaced, quickly, by an excessive amount of sugars and energy intake, as well as a reduction in physical exercise. In Spain, the obesity rate has quadrupled, causing a huge problem at the institutional and social level. The school, an environment of development and education, have to face this problem and instill healthy habits from as early an age as it is in Early Childhood Education. The school environment has great potential and responsibility in maintaining healthy lifestyles.
In recent years, our country has suffered from enormous alterations that have drastically affected the way our citizens eat and, of course, this influences healthy habits. We live in a merely sedentary country, in which it is one of the causes of childhood obesity and, later, obesity in adulthood. The habitual diets that we usually carry out have been replaced, quickly, by an excessive amount of sugars and energy intake, as well as a reduction in physical exercise. In Spain, the obesity rate has quadrupled, causing a huge problem at the institutional and social level. The school, an environment of development and education, have to face this problem and instill healthy habits from as early an age as it is in Early Childhood Education. The school environment has great potential and responsibility in maintaining healthy lifestyles.