Tratamiento de la patología dual desde el Ttrabajo Social en el area de salud mental.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)Cuando afrontamos de forma directa el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las adicciones, se encuentra en multitud
de casos, diversas patologías de índole mental o psicológico. Es difícil determinar en qué grado el trastorno
mental ha podido determinar la adicción. A veces se consideran bastante emparejados, aunque no debemos
olvidar la influencia de diversos y complejos factores que han podido estar en alguna de las fases de su
evolución, tales como problemas familiares, traumas no superados, mobbing, situaciones laborales,
económicas, vivencias estresantes, etc., que han podido configurar un todo. Por tanto, aunque consideremos
este tema desde la óptica dual, requerirá una forma de abordarlo de tipo multidisciplinar, para poder tener
una perspectiva más amplia en cuanto a factores, causas, y posibles tratamientos.
(EN)When we directly face the diagnosis and treatment of addictions, it is found in many cases, various pathologies of a mental or psychological nature. It is difficult to determine to what degree the mental disorder has been able to determine the addiction. Sometimes they are considered quite matched, although we must not forget the influence of diverse and complex factors that may have been in one of the phases of their evolution, such as family problems, unresolved traumas, mobbing, work and economic situations, stressful experiences, etc., who have been able to configure a whole. Therefore, even if we consider this issue from a dual perspective, it will require a multidisciplinary way of approaching it, in order to have a broader perspective in terms of factors, causes, and possible treatments.
(EN)When we directly face the diagnosis and treatment of addictions, it is found in many cases, various pathologies of a mental or psychological nature. It is difficult to determine to what degree the mental disorder has been able to determine the addiction. Sometimes they are considered quite matched, although we must not forget the influence of diverse and complex factors that may have been in one of the phases of their evolution, such as family problems, unresolved traumas, mobbing, work and economic situations, stressful experiences, etc., who have been able to configure a whole. Therefore, even if we consider this issue from a dual perspective, it will require a multidisciplinary way of approaching it, in order to have a broader perspective in terms of factors, causes, and possible treatments.