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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Estamos ante una sociedad que opta por la vía del alquiler en cuanto a la vivienda se refiere. Esta preferencia en los tiempos de crisis hace que aumente el número de impagos de rentas y por tanto el número de desahucios.
En este Trabajo Fin de Grado nos vamos a centrar en el desarrollo del proceso de desahucio por impago de las rentas o alquiler, debido a su auge en los últimos años, lo que ha dado lugar a que se haya visto sumergido en gran cantidad de reformas procesales.
Analizaremos en primer lugar sus objetivos y reformas para así poder ver en qué situación se encuentra hoy en día y tras esto el análisis de cada uno de los pasos a seguir, así como consecuencias y posibilidades de ambas partes. Para finalizar y poder otorgar una visión internacional a esta situación procesal, desarrollaremos una comparación con el derecho italiano.
[EN] Society choose to rent for housing counseling. The preference for renting in times of economic crisis makes the number of unpaid rents increase and, as a consequence, the number of evictions. In the present word order degree, we are focusing on the development of eviction processes because of unpaid rents and the non-payments of rents, concerning its growth in the recent years, which has made it be targeted for procedural reforms. We will first analyse its aims and reforms to know the situation in which it is nowadays and, after that, we will a analysis of each of the steps to be followed in the process as well the different consequences and possibilities that both petitioning Finally, providing international overview concerning this procedural situation, we will compare it to Italian law.
[EN] Society choose to rent for housing counseling. The preference for renting in times of economic crisis makes the number of unpaid rents increase and, as a consequence, the number of evictions. In the present word order degree, we are focusing on the development of eviction processes because of unpaid rents and the non-payments of rents, concerning its growth in the recent years, which has made it be targeted for procedural reforms. We will first analyse its aims and reforms to know the situation in which it is nowadays and, after that, we will a analysis of each of the steps to be followed in the process as well the different consequences and possibilities that both petitioning Finally, providing international overview concerning this procedural situation, we will compare it to Italian law.