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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Cada vez se están desarrollando más programas desde el marco de la Psicología Positiva donde tienen cabida las
fortalezas personales y las emociones. Tras una búsqueda exhaustiva, se ha descubierto que pesar de ser muy
importante el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en Educación Infantil y que se emplea para incrementar
aspectos como la empatía, la motivación, la autoestima, las relaciones sociales en el aula, etc., no se utiliza sin
embargo, para potenciar temas transversales como la educación para la igualdad de oportunidades de ambos
sexos. Debido a su importancia, el presente trabajo tiene como finalidad desarrollar un Programa de
Intervención en Inteligencia Emocional que permita mejorar la Coeducación en niños y niñas de 5 años. A pesar
de no haberse llevado a cabo, se esperan resultados positivos con respecto a los efectos que el conjunto de
habilidades emocionales pueden ejercer con fines coeducativos sobre el alumnado de esta etapa.
[EN] More and more programs are being developed within the framework of Positive Psychology where personal strengths and emotions have a place. After an exhaustive search, it has been discovered that the development o emotional intelligence in children's education is very relevant and that it can be used to improve aspects such a empathy, motivation, self-esteem, social relations in the classroom, etc., however, it is not used, to promote cross-cutting issues like education for equal opportunities for both sexes. Due to its importance, the aim o present work is to develop an lntervention Program in Emotional lntelligence that allows improving Coeducation in children of 5 years. In spite of it has not been realized, positive results are expected with respect to the effects that the set of emotional skills can exercise with coeducational purposes on the students of this stage.
[EN] More and more programs are being developed within the framework of Positive Psychology where personal strengths and emotions have a place. After an exhaustive search, it has been discovered that the development o emotional intelligence in children's education is very relevant and that it can be used to improve aspects such a empathy, motivation, self-esteem, social relations in the classroom, etc., however, it is not used, to promote cross-cutting issues like education for equal opportunities for both sexes. Due to its importance, the aim o present work is to develop an lntervention Program in Emotional lntelligence that allows improving Coeducation in children of 5 years. In spite of it has not been realized, positive results are expected with respect to the effects that the set of emotional skills can exercise with coeducational purposes on the students of this stage.