Factoría de Disney: reflexiones a partir de la Historia del Arte.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Disney es sinónimo de magia, diversión y aventura, pero aparte de eso, es considerado como la industria cinematográfica capaz de llegar al corazón de todo el mundo independiente de su edad. Detrás de toda esa emoción existe un gran trabajo por parte de diseñadores, artistas y dirección. El arte de Disney no solo son la cantidad de películas, sino que reside en la infinidad de pinturas, dibujos, y otras obras artísticas producidas de forma artesanal gracias a los artistas pertenecientes a la compañía Disney. Desde los inicios, Walt Disney quiso que el nombre de Disney fuera símbolo de la calidad y una nueva forma de entretenimiento con una apariencia única jamás vista hasta el momento. Por eso, durante casi los noventa años que estuvo al mando Walt Disney, y los que siguen hoy en día con su herencia, han logrado que Disney siga en lo más alto de la industria de la animación.
Disney is synonymous with magic, fun and adventure, but apart from that, it is considered as the film industry able to reach the heart of everyone independent of their age. Behind all that emotion there is a great work by designers, artists and management. The art of Disney is not only the quantity of films, but it resides in the infinity of paintings, drawings, and other artistic works produced in an artisan way thanks to the artists belonging to the Disney company. From the beginning, Walt Disney wanted the name of Disney to be a symbol of quality and a new form of entertainment with a unique appearance never seen before. That's why, during almost the ninety years that Walt Disney was in charge, and those that continue today with their heritage, they have managed to keep Disney in the highest part of the animation industry.
Disney is synonymous with magic, fun and adventure, but apart from that, it is considered as the film industry able to reach the heart of everyone independent of their age. Behind all that emotion there is a great work by designers, artists and management. The art of Disney is not only the quantity of films, but it resides in the infinity of paintings, drawings, and other artistic works produced in an artisan way thanks to the artists belonging to the Disney company. From the beginning, Walt Disney wanted the name of Disney to be a symbol of quality and a new form of entertainment with a unique appearance never seen before. That's why, during almost the ninety years that Walt Disney was in charge, and those that continue today with their heritage, they have managed to keep Disney in the highest part of the animation industry.
Palabras clave
Historia del cine