Diseño de un proyecto de intervención dirigido a la prevención de la violencia filioparental
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La escuela de familias puede llegar a ser un recurso de prevención muy importante para los y las profesionales del Trabajo Social. Con la escuela de familias, desde el Trabajo Social se puede proporcionar una mayor información y formación acerca de la educación a las familias. La escuela de familias además de ser un recurso preventivo también es un recurso formativo, este recurso se utiliza desde el Trabajo Social en pro de la prevención de las situaciones problemáticas que presentan los menores que están cumpliendo medidas. El objetivo de este proyecto de prevención es la propuesta de una intervención dirigida a familias de menores que estén cumpliendo medidas judiciales, que permita una oportunidad de mejora y cambio de los menores, así como, la
persecución de la calidad de vida, de manera que se promueva la importancia del papel de la familia en el menor, que se mejoren los estilos de comunicación y que se promueva la autoestima del menor
The school of families can become a very important prevention resource for Social Work professionals. With the school of families, from the Social Work can provide more information and training about education to families. The school of families in addition to being a preventive resource is also a training resource, this resource is used from the Social Work in favor of the prevention of the problematic situations presented by minors who are complying with measures. The objective of this prevention project is the proposal of an intervention aimed at families of minors who are complying with judicial measures, which allows an opportunity for improvement and change of minors, as well as the persecution of the quality of life, so as to promote the importance of the role of the family in the minor, that communication styles are improved and that the child's self-esteem is promoted
The school of families can become a very important prevention resource for Social Work professionals. With the school of families, from the Social Work can provide more information and training about education to families. The school of families in addition to being a preventive resource is also a training resource, this resource is used from the Social Work in favor of the prevention of the problematic situations presented by minors who are complying with measures. The objective of this prevention project is the proposal of an intervention aimed at families of minors who are complying with judicial measures, which allows an opportunity for improvement and change of minors, as well as the persecution of the quality of life, so as to promote the importance of the role of the family in the minor, that communication styles are improved and that the child's self-esteem is promoted
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