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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Durante el presente Trabajo Fin de Máster se pretende abordar los contenidos
relacionados con la evolución de los seres vivos comprendidos en el bloque 3: Genética
y evolución, los cuales corresponden a la asignatura de Biología en el curso de 2o de
bachillerato dichos contenidos aparecen en la Orden de 14 de julio de 2016, por la que
se desarrolla el currículo correspondiente al Bachillerato en la Comunidad Autónoma de
La enseñanza de la evolución, elemento clave en la alfabetización científica de
nuestra sociedad, se encuentra anclada en muchas ocasiones en el Darwinismo clásico
y se trabaja aislada de la genética. Esto puede crear distorsiones en la comprensión de
ambos temas por parte del alumnado y desaprovecha las sinergias inherentes a su
aprendizaje conjunto. De hecho, los actuales avances en el estudio de la evolución se
producen a partir de la secuenciación generalizada de los genomas.
El proyecto consiste en una propuesta de mejora de la unidad didáctica mediante
el cambio a una metodología mixta entre activa y pasiva, ampliación del contenido sobre
las diferencias entre las teorías evolutivas (Darwinismo y Neodarwinismo) y
especialmente mediante la realización de una actividad de investigación guiada, que
aborda el análisis de la secuencia de los genomas de diferentes especies. Esto es posible
gracias a la apertura pública de las bases de datos genómicas, que mediante el programa
BLAST es accesible por cualquier usuario. Con esta actividad se conseguirán diversos
objetivos simultáneos: aumento de la motivación del alumno al tratar con datos reales,
mejorar la compresión tanto de la evolución como de algunos aspectos de la genética,
y actualizar los conceptos sobre la evolución del alumnado. Además, la aproximación
numérica al concepto evolutivo supone una mejora a la atención a la diversidad.
Palabras clave: Biología, proceso de aprendizaje, unidad didáctica, aprendizaje
[EN]During this Master's Thesis, it is intended to address the contents related to the evolution of living beings included in block 3: Genetics and evolution, which correspond to the subject of Biology in the course of 2nd year of high school said contents appear in the Order of July 14, 2016, which develops the curriculum corresponding to the Baccalaureate in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The teaching of evolution, a key element in the scientific literacy of our society, is anchored in many occasions in classical Darwinism and works isolated from genetics. This can create distortions in the understanding of both subjects by the students and 2 miss the synergies inherent in their joint learning. In fact, the current advances in the study of evolution occur from the generalized sequencing of genomes. The project consists of a proposal to improve the teaching unit by changing to a mixed methodology between active and passive, expanding the content on the differences between evolutionary theories and especially by conducting a guided research activity, which addresses the analysis of the sequence of the genomes of different species. This is possible thanks to the public opening of genomic databases, which through the BLAST program is accessible by any user. With this activity, several simultaneous objectives will be achieved: increasing the motivation of the student to deal with real data, improving the understanding of both the evolution and some aspects of genetics, and updating the concepts of student evolution. In addition, the numerical approach to evolution implies an improvement in attention to diversity. Keywords: Biology, learning process, teaching unit, meaningful learning.
[EN]During this Master's Thesis, it is intended to address the contents related to the evolution of living beings included in block 3: Genetics and evolution, which correspond to the subject of Biology in the course of 2nd year of high school said contents appear in the Order of July 14, 2016, which develops the curriculum corresponding to the Baccalaureate in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The teaching of evolution, a key element in the scientific literacy of our society, is anchored in many occasions in classical Darwinism and works isolated from genetics. This can create distortions in the understanding of both subjects by the students and 2 miss the synergies inherent in their joint learning. In fact, the current advances in the study of evolution occur from the generalized sequencing of genomes. The project consists of a proposal to improve the teaching unit by changing to a mixed methodology between active and passive, expanding the content on the differences between evolutionary theories and especially by conducting a guided research activity, which addresses the analysis of the sequence of the genomes of different species. This is possible thanks to the public opening of genomic databases, which through the BLAST program is accessible by any user. With this activity, several simultaneous objectives will be achieved: increasing the motivation of the student to deal with real data, improving the understanding of both the evolution and some aspects of genetics, and updating the concepts of student evolution. In addition, the numerical approach to evolution implies an improvement in attention to diversity. Keywords: Biology, learning process, teaching unit, meaningful learning.
Palabras clave
Biología y Geología