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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Con el paso del tiempo hemos podido observar que los alumnos presentan dificultades en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, especialmente en las destrezas orales. Para ello he elaborado este proyecto, en el cual se introducen unos nuevos recursos que proporcionan al alumno herramientas para una correcta consecución del idioma, además de conseguir motivar al alumnado para el aprendizaje de la lengua en primaria. En este proyecto se utilizan las TIC como principal recurso. Para ello se analizan las diferentes corrientes que han hablado sobre el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, también detallamos cuales son los recursos que se utilizan hoy día a través de las TIC y también se expresan tanto las ventajas como desventajas de su uso. Por otro lado, se ofrece una propuesta didáctica que pone en práctica la utilización de las TIC como recurso para el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera.
Over time we have seen that students have difficulties in learning English or a second language, especially in oral skills. For this I developed this project in which some new resources that provide the tools for successful student achievement of language are introduced, besides getting motivate students for language learning in primary schools. In this project, ICT is used as a primary resource. For this, the different currents that have talked about learning a second language are analyzed , which are also detail the resources that are used today by ICT and both the advantages and disadvantages of their use are also expressed . An educational proposal that implements the use of ICT as a resource for learning a foreign language is also offered.
Over time we have seen that students have difficulties in learning English or a second language, especially in oral skills. For this I developed this project in which some new resources that provide the tools for successful student achievement of language are introduced, besides getting motivate students for language learning in primary schools. In this project, ICT is used as a primary resource. For this, the different currents that have talked about learning a second language are analyzed , which are also detail the resources that are used today by ICT and both the advantages and disadvantages of their use are also expressed . An educational proposal that implements the use of ICT as a resource for learning a foreign language is also offered.