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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo dar a conocer el potencial de las técnicas de escaneado laser 3D
como vía de integración en el entorno BIM (Building Infomation Modelling). En este caso concreto se pretende
dar un enfoque sobre aplicaciones industriales, estudiando el sistema de climatización situado en la azotea del
edificio A2 del Campus de las Lagunillas (Jaén). Por tanto, el trabajo consta de dos partes principales. Por una
parte, la fase de escaneado, que se centra en la planificación y toma de los diferentes escaneos para la obtención
de una nube de puntos adecuada a las necesidades del proyecto. Y, por otra parte, partiendo de la información
obtenida en esta primera fase y de la documentación referente a este tipo de instalaciones, se crea un modelo
que represente el estado actual de la instalación.
The objective of this project is to present the potential of laser scanning 3D techniques as a way of integration in the BIM (Building Infomation Modeling) environment. In this specific case, the aim is to focus on industrial applications, studying the air conditioning system located on the roof of the A2 building of the Campus Las Lagunillas (Jaén). Therefore, the constant work of two main parts. On the one hand, the scanning phase, which focuses on planning and taking the different scans to obtain a point cloud suitable for the project's needs. And, on the other hand, based on the information obtained in this first phase and the documentation regarding this type of installation, a model is created that represents the current state of the installation.
The objective of this project is to present the potential of laser scanning 3D techniques as a way of integration in the BIM (Building Infomation Modeling) environment. In this specific case, the aim is to focus on industrial applications, studying the air conditioning system located on the roof of the A2 building of the Campus Las Lagunillas (Jaén). Therefore, the constant work of two main parts. On the one hand, the scanning phase, which focuses on planning and taking the different scans to obtain a point cloud suitable for the project's needs. And, on the other hand, based on the information obtained in this first phase and the documentation regarding this type of installation, a model is created that represents the current state of the installation.